In my Geology class the teacher taught that the planet has been around for about 6.4 billion years before the first humans. There was a question on the test that asked this question and about half of the people refused to answer the question, or stated they were Christians and said God made the planet and humans at the same time. Sould students have the right to answer the question answer based own their own belief or should the question only be answered the way the professor wants it? Personally I don't care, I learned if you want to pass college just write what ever makes the professor happy.
Well can't we say that in a way science is 100% true? If something turns out to be wrong, it wouldn't be because science was wrong, it would be because humans did a mistake in understanding science.
Question, will Object X float? Hypothesis:If I throw object X into the water, then it will float. Test: A piece of wood and a rock are thrown into the same pool, at the same height as controls. Object X is thrown in as the variable. Data: Wood floats, Rock sinks, Object X floats. Conclusion, Object X does float in water when thrown in from Y height.
Okay, so now relate that to how the world was made 6.4 billion years ago.
Don't say something that your not willing to back up
Yeah, I'm sticking with it now. It's just that most of the time when the thread has anything to do with religion, it turns into a debate about thiest vs atheist.
Yeah, I'm sticking with it now. It's just that most of the time when the thread has anything to do with religion, it turns into a debate about thiest vs atheist.
Well that's just the WERP for you. I not an atheist but I'm still against your post by the way.
Okay, so now relate that to how the world was made 6.4 billion years ago.
1.Find fossils/bones and rocks. 2.Do a bunch of scientific tests (not sure how, probably at some point there are tests with DNA) 3.Find more proof. Look into volcano structures. Look into ice in antartica. 4.Make a theory about it. Mix in some other theories and laws into it. 5.Make the theory better. Or come up with a better one. 6.Repeat step 5
I'm not a scientist, but I think this is vaguely correct.
Well that's just the WERP for you. I not an atheist but I'm still against your post by the way.
Not to go off topic, but I guess you got the right to say that. And I wish the WERP forums were more that thiest vs. athiest and Osama bin Laden dying. Not saying that there isn't more to the WERP forums, there are way too many duplicated topics.
No problem. Besides for this, scientists have even more extremely complicated mathematical ways of proving the earths age. Somebody here might point them out.