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ForumsThe TavernInheritance Cycle

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330 posts

the inheritance cycle is Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and the upcoming book.

ok, so as i am sure all you Eragon fans have heard, the fourth, and sadly, final book will be coming out some time around september. i was just wondering what you thought of the cycle, or series whatever you want to call it, also any predictions you have of what will happen in the fourth book. and do not just say "i liked the series" post more than that, as you should in all forums.

for my review of the book i would say something like: i thought this cycle was amazing, by far my favorite. if you are thinking "i will go see the movie and then maybe read the book", stop thinking. the movie does not give the book justice at all. if i wanted to tell you all the flaws in the movie, i would be typing for a week. get the book, read it, and then read the others, and then you will understand my excitement for the upcoming book.

My predictions for the upcoming book are:

1)Vault of Souls:for the people who haven't read the books, in the first book a fortune-teller by the name of Angela, tell Eragon his fortune, and her werecat tell Eragon, not so much his fortune, but a prediction. part of the prediction was "when all seems lost and your power is insufficient, go to the Rock of Kuthian and speak your name to open the Vault of Souls."i can not predist where or what the rock of kuthian is, but i predict the vault of souls is a place where there are many dragons Eldunari, or hearts of hearts. if you want to know what the Eldunari is, read the book, i cannot explain everything.

2)i also predict that the last dragon egg will somehow be stolen from Galbatorix, and that it will hatch for a woman, most likely a younger elf, and then Eragon and the woman will fall in love, and the tragedy of the story will be told in the next prediction.

3)part of the Angela's fortune for Eragon was that he would leave Alegasia with somebody else. my next prediction is that as soon as Eragon and his love are truly in love Eragon will leave Alegasia for an unknown reason, but his love will not be the other person that leaves, but i can not predict who will be the other person.

4)my final prediction is that Murtagh and Thorn will turn good, either after Galbatorix is dead and or before he is killed and help kill Galbatorix, and that when Eragon leaves Alegasia, Murtagh will become the kind of peace keeper in Alegasia, with the other dragon rider by his side.

  • 21 Replies
2,520 posts

The last one is Inheritance.

Freaking good series.

1) I think it's pretty obvious; Galbatorix hides all his eldunari in the vault of souls in Kuthain, which is in Doru Araeba. Eragon breaks in and harnesses their energy.

2) Nah dude the last dragon is gonna hatch for Nolfravell. Take my word for that.

3) Did she really say he was going to leave with someone else?

4) I think Eragon's gonna use Aren to kill Murtagh and Throrn pretty quick, so that Paolini wouldn't have to write about them in a climax. I think Galbatorix will kill Saphira, but Eragon will kill him and Shruikan.

3,437 posts

Wolf's Review

Welly, welly, well.

Where shall I start? Let's look at Eragon. Overall it is a competent novel, in many ways a good novel that sets up an interesting plot with some memorable characters. A nice blend of tragedy and heroics. Also the concept of dragons, while nothing new, makes for an exciting adventure story. The character development is somewhat lacking, but it is forgivable considering this was written when Paolini was tounger. All in all the book promises to be a great story. Key word here is "promises".

Then we reach Eldest. What a nightmare...the characters are so static they may as well be cardboard, and the ever shifting perceptions of who Eragon is and what is expected of him is maddening. Furthermore, Eragon is frustratting to deal with as well. His pathetic attempts at "romance" make me cringe. Paolini is trying to offer more to an older audience, instead it just falls flat and deserves to be placed on the kiddy shelf. Eragon is young, yes, but he still acts all innocent and fragile. WHERE'S THE GROWTH? Where's the character developing? Not into some heartless killer, but...something harder. More resilient?

The same problem occurrs in Brisngr. Except Brisngr isn't much of a book. There's no twist I didn't foresee, no overwhelming insights. Instead there's just...nothing. The entire book is filler. Nothing is solved. Nothing is even remotely accomplished. Instead Paolini COMPLICATES matters. He adds "suspense" which is just more filler that goes no where. He's dragged his series to a stand still. Three books in and the plot is so twisted even Steven Erikson couldn't save this series. The only character to have really changed ins Roran, and even that is only slight. Eragon is almost unchanged as a character and people keep giving contradicting impressions of him. You know, I could excuse Paolini's writing as youthful failings...however when the best novel in the series is the first one...well something's wrong.

Honesly I can't see anyone being satisfied with how this will end. It's going to be a disappointment one way or another simply because Paolini has written himself into a corner plot wise. I won't even hold my breath to see if the characters grow, I can almost see the tropes being relied upon now.

330 posts

to nurvana:for your first prediction might actually be true, because i got to thinking and i bet the dragon riders put spells on Doru Areaba to keep regular people out, and Eragon would have to speak his name to get in. then again, Doru Areaba is pretty far from Uru'baen, so i guess we will see.

for your second prediction, where did you get that it would hatch for Nolfavrell, i am pretty sure he is not mentioned in the first book, mentiond maybe 4 times in the second book, and not at all in the third.

for your third not really prediction but a question, yes part of Eragons fortune was that he would leave Alegasia forever with somebody else.

for your fourth prediction, that is pretty much what i said, so i can kind of agree.

To wolf, such negative reviews for such amazing books. i hope the fourth is what u were expecting, and more

3,437 posts

To wolf, such negative reviews for such amazing books. i hope the fourth is what u were expecting, and more

Amazing? In what way is this series amazing? I'll admit Eragon was a good book. However, after that nothing develops. The plot feels as if it's dragged like an anchor.

If you want an amazing read I suggest the following authors and their respective series:

Stephen King - The Dark Tower Series

R. Scott Bakker - The Prince of Nothing and Aspect Emperor trilogies

George R.R. Martin - Song of Fire and Ice Series

Steven Erikson - The Malazan Book of the Fallen series
26,677 posts

Generally fantasy books get increadibly cheesy or sentimental in the final book.

I think Arya or Roran will become the next rider but I am hoping it is a Dwarf or the Wolf Elf.
Murtagh will be redeemed either by Galbatorix dying or by turning on him in the final battle to save Eragon.
Unfortunately, Saphira will almost certainly die because the first Saphira died and it will almost certainly be Murtagh that kills her.
Arya's parents will probably die and she will become ruler of the Elves.
The Vault of Souls will probably be in the mountain beneath Brom's tomb and Eragon will activate it accidentally.
I think the part about leaving Alagasia is temporary, a euphamism for death or him going to the Elflands or human lands.

3,437 posts

Generally fantasy books get increadibly cheesy or sentimental in the final book.

Only those that are poorly written. Steven Erikson is a prime example of breaking the normal tropes of fantasy writing.
1,612 posts

I have to 100% agree with wolf's review. The first one was good, but in the other ones he just kept streching the story like he was afraid of finishing it. He filled them with useless little stories and irrelevant details. a good 40% of them could be easily cut in my opinion (maybe they would have reached a decent size too, they were like twice as big as the first one).
But I must say, the first one was really sweet. I loved the wild hunting parts a lot, and the slow discovering of his magic tie with the dragon was amazing too.

3,437 posts

He filled them with useless little stories and irrelevant details. a good 40% of them could be easily cut in my opinion (maybe they would have reached a decent size too, they were like twice as big as the first one).

A lot of those anecdotes he throws in are supposed to show character growth. And for many authors it works. However, what those authors do is actually change the perception of the character and those around said character. Thus showing gradual change. What Paolini does is tries to show growth through different incidents, yet keeps the character the same.

They're not so much irrelevant as pathetically ineffective, thus seeming irrelevant
330 posts

Inheritance, the fourth book, will be coming out september eighth, and i am so freakin excited.

3,437 posts

Inheritance, the fourth book, will be coming out september eighth, and i am so freakin excited.

In no way did that answer my question to you.
24 posts

DUDE!!!!!!! i can't wait for the last book to come out!!!!! i read about the realese date on wiki or something like that. he's been working on Eragons Guide to alageasia..... This guys cycle is and always will b my fav.....

330 posts

wolf1991, i dint know you asked a question.

3,437 posts

Amazing? In what way is this series amazing? I'll admit Eragon was a good book. However, after that nothing develops. The plot feels as if it's dragged like an anchor.

*facepalm* notice the question now?
4,104 posts

*facepalm* notice the question now?

It is a question but it sounds rhetorical.
1,714 posts

Inheritance, the fourth book, will be coming out september eighth, and i am so freakin excited.

Everything I find says the book is to be released November 8th.

Honesly I can't see anyone being satisfied with how this will end. It's going to be a disappointment one way or another simply because Paolini has written himself into a corner plot wise. I won't even hold my breath to see if the characters grow, I can almost see the tropes being relied upon now.

You are entitled to your opinion, but don't you dare say what others should think. I personally find the whole series to be awesome. Why? I honestly have no idea, but I also don't care. I found all three books entertaining and I doubt the fourth will be any different.
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