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ForumsThe TavernWhats you idea of a beautiful woman?

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3,671 posts

How do you rate women? whats your idea of a perfect woman? Whats the first thing you look at?

  • 31 Replies
2,261 posts

Not quite true. There are people who meet up and end up dating from alot of internet sites, doesn't have to be exclusively dating sites but believe it or not, some MMO games, chating sites, youtube, facebook, etc...

It's the normal way of talking. :P

I believe I already said my answer to this question on Tacky's thread.
1,606 posts

Gosh Terry, You're SICK! LOL, I think they mean Looks.... Like cleavage.... And other such crap.

1,085 posts

I dont rate people.

3,671 posts

This is why I don't bother with guys like this. Disgusting little (*&*&$^%$(&%*&I_)(*^%^%$@#)*&^!@#. >,>

Lol moon fairy not all guys are like that
15,595 posts

Not quite true. There are people who meet up and end up dating from alot of internet sites, doesn't have to be exclusively dating sites but believe it or not, some MMO games, chating sites, youtube, facebook, etc...

You can still see their face that way.
1,322 posts

I think the study cited by Hahiha was also used on MANSWERS... it said that guys look at the girl's eyes first. A woman w/ excited/aroused eyes would excite/arouse the guy looking at them... maybe its just hardwired into us... and the basis for why a lot of guys find "2 women" that are "excited" more attractive than 2 dudes "excited" ...if you catch muh drift. that way some of us could still say they disagree w/ it... but in some carnal way still find it HAWT... I'm only just analyzing some psychological issues here and not really speaking for myself (even tho it may or may not coincide w/ my actual views).

as per my ideal lady...
1. around my height (I'm 5'10&quot... she can be a little shorter than she could be taller... I'm not against a girl being a little taller than I am.. b/c at that point who needs to wear heels anyway?... ur already tall enough
2. I would prefer her be athletic... or just not against going running with me.
3. I'd prefer her be more than intelligent... witty sarcastic humor would be most preferred (not necessarily like the bf vs gf thing on youtube where they're constantly beating each other to death w/ practical jokes....its just that someone who is completely submissive and subservient would be boring and lame. this isn't the 1800s anymore.
4. I'd like it if she knew how to cook... b/c I'll be honest... I can't (not against her teaching me tho)
5. ...she has to like animals... b/c I'll be owning some
6. she has to be able to put up w/ me but not kill me...
7. and finally... has to be willing to have like 10 kids.. b/c its happening.

some actual physical features (instead of the moreso personality trait ones that are beautiful) color doesn't matter
...eye color doesn't matter
...I'd prefer she have both of the above tho
...ethnicity.. well I'm moreso attracted to womens who look closer to my own ethnicity... which is Caucasian. I'm not saying that's the only ethnicity I find attractive. I have several Chinese-American and Indian-American lady friends that if I were to end up w/ any one of them I would do the opposite of complain. Although I do in fact find lots of African-American women beautiful... I find myself not all that attracted to them. Think of it as viewing the grand canyon, glacier national park, or a large orange moon at midnight in the countryside w/ a star filled sky (b/c cities dull the stars if not hide them altogether)... all are viewed as beautiful by some... but I personally don't find myself wanting to consummate my union w/ those entities (or any lesser degree of that sentiment).

oddly enough... I find those that are super duper physically attractive and that are also self absorbed divas to be the most horrendously ugly individuals out there. beauty for me isn't necessarily all about "beauty"

...lawds I go crazy w/ word vomit when I have too much free time.

3,085 posts

I don't know if this is because I'm Asexual but I've never found physical appearances all that important - I've always defined beauty as something coming from within oneself. A beautiful woman doesn't have to be the best-looking woman out there - a good intellect (that's not to say that she has to be super-smart or anything) and a nice, caring personality are the characteristics by which I judge beauty.

15,595 posts

Oh, if you want to talk about physical features then I'll post what physical features that I look for in a woman.
The height of a girl has to be anywhere from 5'-5'9". I'm 5'11" or 6 feet tall right now, so I like it if their shorter then me. I'm not against woman being the same height as me, but if you're taller than me then it'll be a bit awkward for me to date them. I'd like for them to be fit, so that we could go workout together and do other activities. The hair color and eye color don't really matter, but I'd like it if you're a brunette with brown eyes. I generally look for Spanish girls, since I'm half Cuban.. and I like them. Intelligence is a big thing when I'm looking for a girl, because I'd like for them to be smart.

10 kids

u crazy...
773 posts

Gosh Terry, You're SICK! LOL, I think they mean Looks.... Like cleavage

and i am somehow more sick than you are? lol
13,817 posts

Whats you idea of a beautiful woman?

I prefer someone intelligent, good-natured and physically attractive (of course).

The third is quite variable. It comes down more to my tastes. By the way, it's obvious I crave for people that I can talk with on an equal level.
1,322 posts

I'mma post a few pics of ladies that I find attractive
Simone Simons of Epica...a few of her youtube vids and interview have her acting adorably goofy.. and apparently she's pretty smart too :3

one of my new fave's :3... their bonus feature biographies on one of their cd's has Inga of Van Canto also portrayed as cute w/ a sweet personality.

Alizee is a french beauty (who's married w/ a kid apparently D'X)
Tarja here is the original Queen of Metal... a beautiful lady w/ a beautiful voice.
Sharon den Adel from Within Temptation was one of the metal maidens who was brought to my attention by our own Mr. Daycee.

if you didn't already know... they're all female vocalists from different bands that I listen to. ... i guess every man has his muse(s). I'm aware that only a small demographic is represented... there just aren't as many female vocalists in my preferred genre from any other ethnicity... I do in fact like like womens from other ethnicities as already stated...

and yes matrix... 10 or more. its totally possible.

58 posts

My idea of a beautiful girl is someone who keeps it simple. One who doesn't need to wear make-up all of the time. One who doesn't try to put too much make-up. That's my vision of a beautiful woman.

10,816 posts

Although I do in fact find lots of African-American women beautiful... I find myself not all that attracted to them.

Internet dating site data appeared to suggest that the whiter one's skin, the more attention they got. But I wouldn't trust dating site trends further than I could throw my PC, so...

First I thought about this question. Then I thought "nah, you guys are overthinking things." If you see something you like, do you have to think about what it is that you like or that you'd look for? No, you'd see it and then you'd like it. And if you did think about it you'd start thinking "gee why do I like him/her, I'm pretty sure that's not what I said about..."

So that said, my idea of a beautiful woman is somebody with warmth. Who, unlike so many youth these days, isn't cynical and self-entitled, somebody who hasn't 'given up on the world' and consigned it to a giant pile of crap. Who has thought about (however deeply they find it necessary) whatever place they might have in this world, where they do or don't want to go, and more importantly are at peace with that.

It's surpassingly rare, or so it seems. I don't know many girls (or guys for that matter) who weren't either confused, lost, pathologically indecisive, hung-up, cynical and negative, bitter, hated their situation and their own unwillingness to fix it, insecure about her eligibility, or had self-esteem issues due to some aberrance from an accepted norm, particularly since there are no norms when it comes to being female and juggling career and relationships. Something that started before the time of Sex and the City (gosh that was a while ago), and has turned into Lily Allen's song 22.

In short, I find optimism beautiful. Optimism and conviction.
1,322 posts

so.... will Strop ever find Strip? (granted they're one and the same... ) but I'm using it in this instance as his ideal ninja woman counter part.

my way of describing it was an attempt to be similar to the opposite of a geode... you can see something that's beautfiul on the inside... but when you actually get to know what's figuratively inside the person it turns out to be ugly gravel.... and the opposite is also true in my mind (an actual geode)... you can find someone who may not be ideal on the surface... but you quickly forget what's on the surface and stare amazed at the beautiful crystals that are the woman's personality and demeanor. I'm terrible w/ symbolism :S

2,487 posts

my way of describing it was an attempt to be similar to the opposite of a geode... you can see something that's beautfiul on the inside... but when you actually get to know what's figuratively inside the person it turns out to be ugly gravel.... and the opposite is also true in my mind (an actual geode)... you can find someone who may not be ideal on the surface... but you quickly forget what's on the surface and stare amazed at the beautiful crystals that are the woman's personality and demeanor. I'm terrible w/ symbolism :S

wow, thats really philosophical.

My idea, is a smart, mature young lady who is sincere. I don't care as much on her looks (not as much as other people, anyway) so long as she has a sparkling personality.
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