Even if you do not like cats, or even animals in general. But this goes beyond all lines of being okay. When I saw this video it's been stuck with me all day. It makes me angry and wants to make me scream or yell or even cry. Is that just being human? You decide. Please be warned this is very graphic NSFW.
That's nasty. In comparison to what humans have done to this world though, this means absolutely nothing other than being an example of our constant sadistic state of mind. Truth is, we're monsters. We kill helpless organisms, billions upon billions per day. We kill each other. Hell, abortionists dissemble entire living babies inside it's respective mothers' womb. When people say "go punch a baby" I don't even feel affected considering where abortion has led us to.
The things we do, I think we do it because we have control, power, and intelligence over other animals. Which I do not like. I have seen many animal cruelty videos, movies whatever, and I feel slightly ashamed of being a human. But we won the race to being the best organsims on Earth, nothing we can really do, right?
Jeez that's a messed up video. Most of the commenters on the website seem like they're just as bad though. Reading what they had to say was nowhere as bad as what she was doing, but they seem to have some problems of their own.
Firstly, can someone explain the vid? I don't wanna watch it...
Secondly, it is sick how evil some people can be. The way I see it, we are all created with the unequivocal right to life... but certain acts can forfeit that right. Eventually, society just can't deal with you and is better off without you.
Hell, abortionists dissemble entire living babies inside it's respective mothers' womb. When people say "go punch a baby" I don't even feel affected considering where abortion has led us to.
No. Never......say never! Haha. Always the funny joke.
Anyways, let's take a trip into science. A fetus isn't a baby. It's basically just a small parasite. It doesn't even look like a baby at the early stage. It can't even think. If your saying abortion is wrong, you might as well say that killing or "curing" an illness is bad.
If your saying abortion is wrong, you might as well say that killing or "curing" an illness is bad.
I agree. If the baby is already delivered, then that is just murder. But if the baby is still a fetus and you aren't in labor, I think it is perfectly fine to abort a baby, but with a good reason.
If you say, I don't have time, that is a little messed up. If you are say *****, or if you are a teenager, then I believe that is fine.
There's a very thick line between "Sadistic" and just "Sick"
I am a religious Sadist. I follow the words of Satan and wish torment upon all Christians. IN THE AFTERLIFE.
However, no creature should die taht way. that, is "Sick". so i suggest you don't associate us Sadists with this kind of behavior. We're nice people... just don't touch our stars. ^_^
and another thing! This isn't human! this is why we don't crush people's heads to execute them, its INHUMANE! Human nature is to defeat our opponents with our brains, not brawn! Taht's why us shrimps are on top, and not bears, crocs, or even chimps, because we defeated them with innovation and knowledge. This video goes against everything we as a species stand for.
I agree. If the baby is already delivered, then that is just murder. But if the baby is still a fetus and you aren't in labor, I think it is perfectly fine to abort a baby, but with a good reason.
Okay, I don't want to derail but WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!??!?!?! You're okay with abortions all the way up until the woman is in LABOR!? 'The heck's wrong with you!? It's a recognizable baby at latest by second trimester, and it starts having brainwaves halfway through first trimester!!
Again can someone please explain the vid to me? I don't wanna watch it
I was thinking, if I was conscripted into WW3 or some war, and one of my fellow soldier did that to a kitten or even an enemy prisoner to impress his friends, I would not care who I was fighting for, I would fight for justice, grab my gun and put a bullet threw his head, I'd almost definitely be shot later...
Another really bad internet video is " 3 men 1 hammer " which is almost two russian guys torturing this innocent man with a screwdriver, they gouge it into his eye etc until he dies... At least that's what I heard happens, I didn't watch that either.
This reminds me of the video of the girl throwing kittens into a river... why do all the bad things happen to cats?
Hell, abortionists dissemble entire living babies inside it's respective mothers' womb. When people say "go punch a baby" I don't even feel affected considering where abortion has led us to.
A woman has a kitten. She drops it on the floor. She sticks her high heels into it's eyes and mouth 'till it's dead.
O_O;.... Oh my God. Okay d**n it all, it's times like this when I say screw "no cruel and unusual punishment"! Gouge this horrid b***h's eyes out, and punch her in the face while your at it! People like this don't deserve to live, or to die peacefully!! >_<
I was thinking, if I was conscripted into WW3 or some war, and one of my fellow soldier did that to a kitten or even an enemy prisoner to impress his friends, I would not care who I was fighting for, I would fight for justice, grab my gun and put a bullet threw his head, I'd almost definitely be shot later...
In a way, I agree with you, but in the end the influence you'll make is minimal. Making a stand again and again is better than making a strong stand once like that. As much as I hate to say it, what you said you'd do wouldn't get far.