I lure you in the desert by building a wooden castle. When you arrive, you realized it was fake but the Sun cooks you inside you armor and you die from the heat.
Its Super TIME!!!I jump in front of John absorbing the fire before it ever even reaches him.I then run up sonicheroes and twist his neck with my SUPER(the studio audience chuckles)strong legs.
I replace the 'LAUGH NOW' que-card with a picture of a sad puppy. The studio audience becomes very upset, and stops laughing.
Supermape, upon finding that no one thinks his pun is punny, becomes uber depressed and goes into rehab. He spends the next three weeks comtemplating life, and coming up with pseudo-philosophical quotes:
'If life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?'
By the way, has anyone seen 'Tickle Me Emo'? Funny video right there.
And that is why I burn roses.Besides,real men don't go to rehab.They take out their anger on people that have animosity towards HILARIOUS puns.You better run.