They say Obama is schedueled to end up with 1 Billion in his campaign chest. Any opposition is going to be hard pressed to even come close.
Personally, I think Herman Cain and Tim Pawlenty are the GOPs 2 best options right now. I attended the Debate in South Carolina, and those two stuck out to me. Its too early to say for certain, but I think they will both do well.
Hahahaha I saw... Hahahahaha .... Okay okay, I saw an add just now saying: "Should Sarah Palin run for president?". I literally clicked the add and said "NO".
They're all pretty smart -- It's just that those that act for their own personal interest or gain, and not for the area of which they represent [most of them] -- are, in fact, idiots.
And just as an update, I know that Huckabee is out. McCain doesn't want to. Sarah Palin is stupid and if she runs Obama wins and the GOP has tried a lot for that not to happen, so I doubt she' contending.
I heard Pawlenty has a bunch of people that don't like him or something. [not saying anything just asking if you know anything about it]
What happened to Mitt Romney?
Since this is just general 2012 elections how about the senate.
You really think he'd get elected? The man is a die-hard conservative that even made a pact against Bill Clinton. He's scary I'd rather not have him contending.
You really think he'd get elected? The man is a die-hard conservative that even made a pact against Bill Clinton. He's scary I'd rather not have him contending.
Well Im conservative, I think He is a Very Intelligent person, and would be an Excellent candidate for running the country.
You say that American politicians are stupid. Because you dont' know the Italian politicians. If you can say politicians. Mr. Berlusconi is the worst politician on the face of the earth
You do know Obama is a Havard scholar right Maverick?
Where are his transcripts? I need to see the long form version! I want to know what he ate on August 6, 1993, and why, and if he was attacked by a pink hippo from Mars what would he do? I want to know all of this because I am REBUBLICAN!!!!!!
Just a little social commentary there. Obama is obviously going to win the presidency, the GOP doesn't have a horse to ride.
You do know Obama is a Havard scholar right Maverick?
And that automatically makes him a genious?
America is not hard right, contrary to what the GOP thinks
And America is not hard left, contrary to what the Obama Administration thinks.
Majority of Americans are for gay rights
Proof, or GTFO, because a Gallup Poll says otherwise:
Majority of Americans don't want tax breaks for big oil companies
First, proof, or GTFO.
Second, than Americans will see the price of oil rise. Its simple, really. Oil Companies will want to make as much profit as possible If Oil Companies have to pay more in taxes, than they will make up the cost by jacking up the price of oil. This would be disatrous in our fragile economy; this is probaly the WORST thing you could do.
And given the last election, if the economy doesn't pull though, it's on the GOP's hands, not Obama.
Dems have had Majority in the House from 2006-2010. Dems have held majority in the Senate from 2006-Present. GOP has held majority in the House from 2010-Present. Dems have held the White House from 2008-Present (2012 min, 2016 max). Yup, its all the GOPs fault. :/
Obama is obviously going to win the presidency
Yes, because when a man adds 3 trillion to our national debt in just 2 years, I really want him back for another 4. Obama's idea of foreign relations is 'If I close my eyes, may be it will all just dissapear...'. The Stimulus packages have failed, unemployment is rampant, and we're set to have our Debt reach 100% in early August.
You do know Obama is a Havard scholar right Maverick? And I am willing to bet good money that Pelosi's IQ is much higher then Palin's.
The bum down my street is a Harvard scholar.
I honestly think we need a president who isn't a politician. Look at Eisenhower, a military general, great president. Washington, once again a general, founding father. Hell, Reagan, actor, great president.
Why not Trump? The man knows how to make money, I think he can throw us out of the recession. What has Obama done? Nuthin'.