There is a line between being politically correct, wherein you try not to use words or phrases that have links/grounding that could cause major offence to people, and being Politically Correct - which I see as businesses just majorly covering their butts in case someone blows something that was totally inoffensive out of all proportion.
Yeah. All this medical science, women's rights, racial equality and gay rights. What a nightmare.
Political correctness, despite its bad rep, is valuable. The issue is not whether or not you use the right words, but the thoughts behind them. Using gay as an insult, obviously, implies negative thoughts about homosexuality.
I try not to be an *** hole, but political correctness is sheer bull ****. I think we have gone overboard with the Liberalization of the American culture; it is strange that in the growingly Liberal society, we are becoming less liberal with our speech.
Sheer bullcrap. Blacks went through the N word and enjoyed civil equality. I don't want to sound evil, but Gays should learn to do the same. It's not about being sensitive, I just think, that, too a limit, bashing everyone on their political correctness is annoying and it just makes people use the word more -- I've seen people overuse the word Gay/Retard around people that continuously ask them not to. It's a figure of speech that will come and go with age, there's no use to outlaw it. We've outlawed the F word for years and guess what, It's probably the most popular word in the English language.
That bold part is quite interesting when compared to the rest.
Ikr? :P That word really hurts those to whom it medically refers I'm not banning it, but everyone please try to use it less. Also "gay" in a derogatory sense.
The people who take issue with being called retarded is rarely the retarded person but the people around them.
Not even close to my point. This is a thread about political correctness. You call people out for using a newer, and politically incorrect, definition of a word, with a newer(not quite as new), also politically incorrect, definition of a word.