What is it with Americans and our extreme homophobia?
I think it's okay. It's like Separation of Church and State. If teachers had to actually talk about Gays, then I think it would ruin a learning atmosphere. It's like intercourse in those sex-ed classes, teachers only tell us what we need to know, not whether we should do it, how to, etc. Same thing being, it's better to keep a teachers mouth shut than to have to deal with a parent bugging them out about 'Wtf is with this teacher being against Gays?!' or, on the other hand 'Wtf, this homo told my kid to like men?!', etc.
By not teaching children about homosexuality you're making homosexuals into an 'unknown' or sorts for children and, as we all know, people tend to fear that which they don't know or understand. I think this is sickening.
A teacher doesn't need to teach about homosexuality. Trust me, in todays world, nothing is 'unknown'. Kids learn everything the teacher doesn't teach from each other.
By not teaching children about homosexuality you're making homosexuals into an 'unknown' or sorts for children and, as we all know, people tend to fear that which they don't know or understand. I think this is sickening.
But it's the same the other way around. Teachers don't teach heterosexuality, as far as I know. Also, as far as I know, homosexuals are in no way an 'unknown' to 6th graders and above. Childhood crude humor just dictates that they're to be made fun of, something I don't know how to fix.
I'd rather have it this way than to see explosive comments from both pro-gay and anti-gay people attacking school systems regarding comments about sexuality. Best to leave it out, in my opinion. Just, in the same way, that teachers don't teach about politics or religion. I'm sure nobody here [or close to it, as all of you seem to be atheists] would be happy if teachers could talk freely about religion and such.
Homosexuality, both for and against, is a pointless issue.
Why the hell should anyone even care? Government needs to keep its nose out of people's lives, and people need to keep their nose out of government's lives.
It prevents stupid issues like the one at hand.
I'm sure nobody here [or close to it, as all of you seem to be atheists] would be happy if teachers could talk freely about religion and such.
I'm Muslim and I feel the same thing. In some classes, I feel like they're shoving Christianity down my throat. But, also, because I'm a little more against gays than i am for, I'd also not like to be having to shove down 'Go Gays' in my throat, too.
Why the hell should anyone even care? Government needs to keep its nose out of people's lives, and people need to keep their nose out of government's lives.
Well, people = govt, so I don't know what you're getting at.
I think that while homosexuality is not a topic to be fully discussed in a classroom and the exact details of it shared to the students (I mean, if a student is gay/lesbian then they will find out details themselves, am I right?), but it should be mentioned and the students told that it is perfectly fine (note the word "fine" not natural) to be homosexual and that no one should be bullied for possibly being gay/lesbian, etc. Plus it should be mentioned in a way so that parents don't flip out and scream at the teachers for "demonizing their child with knowledge of forbidden sexual conduct and you're going to hell by the way."
This just pisses me off...it's amazing there are this many ****ing retarted people in the world. All "not saying gay" will do will make kids think that it's wrong to be gay, they are still going to find out about it fairly early on, whether from siblings, overhearing talk, or some other area.
A lot of kids knew they were gay before middle school
Really? I had always wondered because I didn't feel any real attraction to girls until I was in the 8th grade. Maybe that's because i'm just not a social person though...
I don't see why they did this. Why would people even care what was being taught? Teach kids about being gay, people ***** about it. Don't teach them about it, half the people hate gays and then most of the other half doesn't have a clue about what they are talking about. Simply put, you can't win for losing.