ForumsWEPRDo you think time is real?

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Or could it just be something created by humans that's imaginary?

  • 123 Replies
4,104 posts

Err... Considering I am writing words to you right now, and you are doing the same to me, I assumed we could both read and understand the definition which pretty much explains what I meant. You know what I mean by state, you know what reality is, you know what I mean by the state of reality. I dont think either of us really know what reality actually is, but what we experience will have to do.

Anyone can give a definition they don't fully understand.

As in the way our reality is for us. The way we perceive it and use the information to change the world around us. Its kinda intangible really, like time.

"like time"? You were saying that changing time and is the same thing as changing the state of reality. If reality changes (such as my example of aging) due to time being relative, that's not because they are the same thing. Time could change and have no effect on the state of reality.

Ah... I see the crux of the problem. You dont like what I have to say and therefore dont like me.

Good false assumptions.

If you are unable to take part in a discussion or debate, no matter how heated, without at least retaining some kind of friendly decorum then you definitely dont deserve my time.

I said that because this debate is getting no where and you are dismissing half my proofs as irrelevant.

Your problem is, your using the words of others to prove something you know absolutely nothing about and telling me that because these guys are so much smarter than me, that makes me wrong!

The physicist who have figured these things out are 10 times smarter then i could ever hope to be. I was annoyed because you denying proved science.

You then proceed to pick apart the words I use when I know for a fact that you can understand what I mean, all the while waiting for me to trip up so you can have your triumph on a subject that you wish you understood.

More false assumptions. When i asked what you meant it was because you weren't being fully clear. Also, I probably know more about the subject of time then you do which may be why you don't see the relevance in my articles.

I have tried to say that Im thinking outside the box, but you keep shouting your arguments from inside yours.

I am trying to understand your aguments but i feel mine still makes more sense.

If you cant come out, you will have no more of my time, real or not.

Hmm, I'm fine with that.
1,573 posts

because you denying proved science.

I will say it once more, the science that you have repeatedly stated and shown as proof is not proven.

I am trying to understand your aguments but i feel mine still makes more sense.

You DO understand my arguments, but you are playing a game that I dont take part in. I am debating a philosophical question that has many angles and no right answer as of yet. Its fine if you feel your arguments make more sense, I see the sense, as I have repeatedly said, but you refuse to entertain the sense in mine. I feel like Im arguing with a religious person who says "of course god exists, because he DOES" exept your saying, "of course time exists, because it DOES", along the while lacing your replies with shaded insults about my ability to understand or explain.

Im not assuming anything when I say you dont like me due to what I say, I can feel your annoyance from here, emanating from my screen. Sure, I get annoyed, but dont dismiss me like I am some fool that is wasting your vast intellect with a minor problem.

You cant prove anything and neither can I.
4,104 posts

You DO understand my arguments, but you are playing a game that I dont take part in. I am debating a philosophical question that has many angles and no right answer as of yet. Its fine if you feel your arguments make more sense, I see the sense, as I have repeatedly said, but you refuse to entertain the sense in mine. I feel like Im arguing with a religious person who says "of course god exists, because he DOES" exept your saying, "of course time exists, because it DOES", along the while lacing your replies with shaded insults about my ability to understand or explain.

I DO understand why you think your arguments are correct, and i think they are wrong.

I will say it once more, the science that you have repeatedly stated and shown as proof is not proven.

Not for the topic as a whole but for the arguments we were currently having at the time.

Im not assuming anything when I say you dont like me due to what I say, I can feel your annoyance from here, emanating from my screen. Sure, I get annoyed, but dont dismiss me like I am some fool that is wasting your vast intellect with a minor problem.

I don't think your an idiot, a fool, or anything. This is a debate, you try to convince me of your side of the argument, and i do the same for my side. What i think is that your view on the matter is wrong and that's why we have this debate.

You cant prove anything and neither can I.

Prove? Of course we can prove many things. Convince each other? Maybe not.
1,573 posts

I DO understand why you think your arguments are correct, and i think they are wrong.

Then perhaps you should explain why my arguments are wrong instead of asking me to explain "state of reality"

Not for the topic as a whole but for the arguments we were currently having at the time.

Im happy to give you the benefit of doubt if you wish to use a theory to explain what you mean I just get annoyed when you state it as if its a game breaker. If we are going to use your articles as some form of debate then we should both settle on the fact that they are not concrete, no matter who says it (boffins are wrong too ya know) and then its open to a more thoughtful, open-ended conversation.

I don't think your an idiot, a fool, or anything. This is a debate, you try to convince me of your side of the argument, and i do the same for my side. What i think is that your view on the matter is wrong and that's why we have this debate.

Then keep it clean in future. I dont like being talked down to and I know you dont either. Remove your anger from the debate because this leads to fear, fear leads to cookies and cookies lead to the dark side.

Prove? Of course we can prove many things. Convince each other? Maybe not.

This I think we can both agree on.

I dont actually think I will convince you, but I do hope to make you think. In fact its all I ever hope for within the AG forums.

Anyway Im going to go hug my g/f because I feel like crawling into a corner and licking my wounds :P I hate bad feeling between people.
4,104 posts

Then perhaps you should explain why my arguments are wrong instead of asking me to explain "state of reality"

That's only the most recent argument, and in order to argue against this, i must first understand it. And i did after i understood, i argued that altering time is not the same thing as altering the state of reality.

Im happy to give you the benefit of doubt if you wish to use a theory to explain what you mean I just get annoyed when you state it as if its a game breaker. If we are going to use your articles as some form of debate then we should both settle on the fact that they are not concrete, no matter who says it (boffins are wrong too ya know) and then its open to a more thoughtful, open-ended conversation.

I think the argument was that if time could be altered, which the article proved, then time must exist because how can we alter something that doesn't exist.

Then keep it clean in future. I dont like being talked down to and I know you dont either. Remove your anger from the debate because this leads to fear, fear leads to cookies and cookies lead to the dark side.

I wasn't angry, just annoyed because you were ignoring the argument and calling it irrelevant.

I dont actually think I will convince you, but I do hope to make you think. In fact its all I ever hope for within the AG forums.

Well this made me rethink measurements, such as feet and inches, but i don't think time is just a measurement. And if it was, measurements exist, even if they have no physical substance.
4,104 posts

tim is r33l

Thank you.

By the way, I'm also glad that we are on the same page now AnaLoGMunKy
1,573 posts

I think the argument was that if time could be altered, which the article proved, then time must exist because how can we alter something that doesn't exist.

Ok, perhaps I should not have quite so quickly appeared to "dismiss" your posts. What I meant was, if we are to use your posts as a form of evidence, then the topic at hand is going to broaden way past the idea of time existing, because we will have to decide if gravity exists, and this, I feel, will really take us away from the topic in a severe way. I will assume gravity and black holes exist in what I say next.

I feel that its not time that gravity is changing, but the actual properties of whatever it is you might use to measure it.

Say we shoot a clock at the speed of light around the sun and back to earth and we find that the clock has measured time faster because of this, I would argue that it was not time that actually passed quicker, but the clock that was altered i.e. its mechanism or ability to measure anything.

If we run towards a black hole then measurement of distance will become unusable, because black holes are meant to quite literally break down space-time around it. I say space-time because its easy to understand what we both mean that way.

For me, time exists in the fashion that we measure the passing of one point to the next. How we measure that time can be completely different. I could measure it using a scale of seconds or a scale of my choosing e.g. how long it takes for me to throw the clock up and catch it again. I will call this new measurement Logocatches

Problem is I would need to throw it with the precise same force and in the precise same circumstance exactly. This is why I might actually stick to seconds :P

Seconds or distance do not actually change, ever. They can only be unusable as a measurement because, in the case of a black hole, we cannot actually measure anything, for reasons I will likely never understand, but we could, technically, still measure it if we we omnipotent and could completely negate the effects of the black hole on our measuring device.

An inch is still and inch. A second is always a second. Its absolute and relative to our point of reference.

Gah! I dont even know if any of that makes proper sense!

By the way, I'm also glad that we are on the same page now AnaLoGMunKy

So am I

tim is r33l

Ok, I bow to your well studied, thought out argument :P

(are we talking about tim the sorcerer here? from monty python)
9,439 posts

Time is only a concept; a measurement. It's like asking if a meter is real or a liter or a pint.

20 posts

I guess or maybe people just made up time to live better and really there is no time....IDEK

8,257 posts

Time is only a concept; a measurement. It's like asking if a meter is real or a liter or a pint.

Exchange 'time' with 'seconds' here and it's correct. Time is a measurement like length or volume; meters, seconds and liters are their units. The units are completely made up, the measurement though relies on observations.
9,439 posts

That's like saying distance is just something made up. Both are quantified and used as references.

4,104 posts

Just to start, black holes do exist, it's not a debate. They are caused by a star burning itself out and collapsing in on itself from its own gravity. I have never heard an argument saying that gravity doesn't exist, but feel free to show me one.

Say we shoot a clock at the speed of light around the sun and back to earth and we find that the clock has measured time faster because of this, I would argue that it was not time that actually passed quicker, but the clock that was altered i.e. its mechanism or ability to measure anything.

But if we do it with anything else, it would work. Maybe it will help if you heard Einstein's riddle he made up that caused him to realize time is relative. If a man is traveling at the speed of light holding a mirror, will he see himself in the mirror? Shouldn't the light bouncing off the mirror travel the same speed as him so that he would see no reflection? But Einstein thought about this for 10 years he came to the answer, light is a constant. No matter which speed you went at, light was the same speed. The only way for light to stay the same speed would be for the time to slow down.

One proof its not just a flaw in clocks is that they put particles that only exist for a fraction of a second into a particle accelerator (this send particles to speeds close to the speed of light). They life time of these particles were extended dramatically. There couldn't have been any flaw in a mechanism.

I feel this should be a response to pretty much your entire post because.

An inch is still and inch. A second is always a second. Its absolute and relative to our point of reference.

Except for the second is measuring time where you are, and time isn't relative.
354 posts

i think that 'time' is a term that refers to the overall change in an object or space. As gravity pulls on the skin and weakens the muscles, the skin begins to wrinkle...(not going through whole process). we say that the change in skin color and form is because of time passing, which was basically the interaction of particles.

Hope you guys get what im saying.

354 posts

Okay, i rephrased what i just said above.

Time is a way of measuring the amount of interaction of particles.

9,462 posts

As gravity pulls on the skin and weakens the muscles, the skin begins to wrinkle...(not going through whole process).

That's not why we get wrinkles as we age, the skin loses it's elasticity.
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