This is basically the same game as the one that has been running for quite a while, but it will be all official material, no house rules or non-rulebook sources of any kind, and I may enforce mandatory characters if things get too far out of hand (TRF has said that things were getting carried away in the other game). I also want chracter and OOC dialouge to be better managed, in other words don't fill this game up with a bunch of meaningless chatter (If all you want to do is talk about something, do it in the other game). New players are always welcome, and in fact encouraged, even if you don't own any of the books or know any of the rules. If any new players want to join, see the other game for rules, give me a race and class, and I will take care of the rest. As soon as at least 4 characters are made, this game will begin. The module I am using is a DCC, known as "The Black Pearl" (and I don't mean the ship from Pirates of the Caribbean)
I do believe the sin that cannot be forgiven is not trusting in the Lord or not believing in Him, depending on the translation.
Nay! The only sin that cannot be forgiven is not lack of belief or trust in the LORD, but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Score Hyper: 2 Dragon: 1
God's true name?
YHWH, also translated as Yahweh or Jehovah. But Jews consider the name of God so sacred that they cannot speak it, so they call him Elohim instead, which literally means "lord". Hmm...what are the stigmata? List them.
Care to include a small bit of on topicness in your post or would you rather take it to our profiles/email?
Stigmata are the wounds of Christ appearing on mortals. I know they include the wounds to the palms and feet, but I am unsure whether they also include the crown of thorns and the piercing of his stomach.
I have never understood the concept of the Holy Ghost and nobody I have met could explain it. Do you mind?
Why do you guys always have to make your characters extreme. I'm come on, do they have to be the epitome of evil. And what's with the hatred of the others race.
worth it i just follow him and say "i wonder why he hates humans? well, what deity is this temple of?" the last part is invalid if there is some form of sign that says what deity it is