This is basically the same game as the one that has been running for quite a while, but it will be all official material, no house rules or non-rulebook sources of any kind, and I may enforce mandatory characters if things get too far out of hand (TRF has said that things were getting carried away in the other game). I also want chracter and OOC dialouge to be better managed, in other words don't fill this game up with a bunch of meaningless chatter (If all you want to do is talk about something, do it in the other game). New players are always welcome, and in fact encouraged, even if you don't own any of the books or know any of the rules. If any new players want to join, see the other game for rules, give me a race and class, and I will take care of the rest. As soon as at least 4 characters are made, this game will begin. The module I am using is a DCC, known as "The Black Pearl" (and I don't mean the ship from Pirates of the Caribbean)
The house is very small with a shared living space serving as bedrooms, kitchen and living room and a very small bathroom in its on room in the corner. The house is very poorly lit by a candle that is nearly burnt out and flickering wildly in the draft running through the building. In the adjacent corner, an elderly, sickly woman (either an Elf or Half Elf, you can't really tell) lies on a cot with a blanket up to her chin as she sleeps. The only sounds that can be heard are the creaks in the floor, the low whisps of the draft and the woman's wheezing. The Half Elf girl directs the wolfeh to another corner where she slides off into her own cot, which is worn to nearly nothing. You notice how severely emaciated she is when her shirt slides up a bit as she gets off of the wolfeh; you could easily count her ribs, even in this light. HEGQEx: "She's very sick..... she won't live much longer if we can't get enough money....."
Loco, you find one. T: "The **** do you think you're doing?"
"well i can kill you and turn you into YET another zombie, but that is rather dull and easy" he smiles showing his teeth "i'd rather have something fun to do, who do you work for?!" the parasite in my mohrg starts to move and and if it can reach out towards him/make a noise
Just one question: does Chardath or wolfeh see or smell the father(the human)? Because if he does...that would not be good for the father. E: "How much do you need?"
i have my mohgr use paralyze touch on him then i take one of my sai and go up to him and point it at his eye "Now you will take me to whoever controls this band of thugs, if you do't i WILL take your eye and a few other body parts i'd rather not mention in public then FEED them to you"