i am going to defend black ops 2 and i was not going to say anything like that, at least not in those words jk. no those are just killstreak rewards so no biggie. however you clearly didn't look into it at all, with the multiplayer they are using a 10 point system for classes and not 3 perks 1 epuipment etc. you could probably have 10 perks and no guns going into the battle. and the new game mode of 4 Vs. 4 zombies and there may or may not be a zombie kill streak. but other than that we don't have much info about multiplayer yet. and when people keep saying "it's the same thing just with different maps and gunz and kill streaks" that gets annoying because hey, maybe they don't want a completely different game from the one they bought last year, for me i like the way it's set up for the most part, all they really need to change is the maps, the maps are everything they are the most important part of it, if you don't agree then perhaps an analogy is in order. which would be more fun, having guns with perfect balance and all that and all of the change you want CoD to make, but have just an empty space to fight in. or would you rather have the perfect maps but only have pistols.
I will give you a link once I get back but I can't right now. On my phone away from home.
i am going to defend black ops 2 and i was not going to say anything like that, at least not in those words jk. no those are just killstreak rewards so no biggie. however you clearly didn't look into it at all, with the multiplayer they are using a 10 point system for classes and not 3 perks 1 epuipment etc. you could probably have 10 perks and no guns going into the battle. and the new game mode of 4 Vs. 4 zombies and there may or may not be a zombie kill streak. but other than that we don't have much info about multiplayer yet. and when people keep saying "it's the same thing just with different maps and gunz and kill streaks" that gets annoying because hey, maybe they don't want a completely different game from the one they bought last year, for me i like the way it's set up for the most part, all they really need to change is the maps, the maps are everything they are the most important part of it, if you don't agree then perhaps an analogy is in order. which would be more fun, having guns with perfect balance and all that and all of the change you want CoD to make, but have just an empty space to fight in. or would you rather have the perfect maps but only have pistols.
You probably could only get about 6 perks and no guns because they are bringing specialist back. It probably is more than one point each too. Also no zombie killstreak so far as I have heard. Would be awesome though also I don't know if the 4v4 is confirmned yet but it's possible.
You know, pressing enter after about four-six sentences wouldn't hurt. It's easier to read that way.
However, i will probably pay $60 anyway for zombies
Same. I've grown bored of the multiplayer in CoD, but it sounds like they're innovating zombies. If they came out with a game solely about zombies I'd probably buy it.
oh they're bringing back the specialist package, well that's not too bad, it's not like it's the support package because i really hate that. and i'm pretty sure that 4v4 zombies is comfirmed
I wonder if they are using the good old server system for the pc this time like all the cods for the pc untill mw3. Multiplayer mods i love x7 mod-blackops zombrotron-waw and blackops rising-waw mw2 and blackops mod-cod 4 infected-mw2 cod 4 mod-waw ect. The mods are for pc multiplayer only you cant download them you have 2 find a server to play them.
well i saw that in about 8 weeks they'll have the MP reveal or whatever and one of the people said(about twitter on that day) basically that they'll be giving out so much info that people might want to find the unfollow button
I don't like the campaign trailer. I saw in an interview that they were gonna make the campaign as if if you die you don;t just go back to the last checkpoint which sounds amazing, but the trailer just looked like halo and star wars. If anyone wants to play with me on XBL just add me :MOMS WAITING
well you can't always judge a game by it's cinimatic trailer, take MW3 for example looked wonderful from the trailers but then you play it and the maps make the MP just mindless run gun and other times it can be the other way around