Pre ordering black ops 2 soon ^-^ It looks pretty cool all in all. It's got some big names in it and it has some good reviews. I think this will be the best campeign. Now the multiplayer is a shot in the dark, just like the last one was with the money. It's incredibly different and it will make or break cod multiplayer. I find it hard to believe that last year went by so fast. I mean I remember being all exited for mw3 still. I really hope they bring back the dew XP...
Battlefield 3's multi-player is definitely better than CoD's multi-player but the campaign and zombie/spec ops are way better. CoD is a better choice, I think.
some people seem to think that the technology that they are using for black ops 2 is stupid and outlandish, but it's not, they wanted it to be realistic in that aspect and just take this picture for example
it didn't show, AG problem. anyway it was picture of a bunch of cosset tapes or something and another picture of am 8GB flash drive thingy and it said basically, 8GB today Vs 8GB in 1995
It's a mod. Activision and trearch don't make tem. They are made by whoever wants them made. This person then sells them. Hacks bro. But I really liked the private matches so I hope that comes back.