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ForumsThe TavernDifferent Ways of Arguing Between Different Genders

31 4376
6,672 posts

ok. i just want to hear your guys' comments on this little notice ive taken.

i have noticed that girls and guys argue VERY differently. and i do mean in a semi-specific circumstance. like if your arguing with your girlfriend or boyfriend about something they did, or your harping on a friend for borrowing something without asking, basically arguing over something someone has done.

guys will merely try and defend themselves. for example:

John:dude why did you take my skateboard?! i didnt say you could and i kinda needed it.
Josh:Oh, sorry man, i thought it was ok if i did cause we're so close and stuff.

you see what i mean?

girls on the other hand turn it around and try and blame it on you and then suddenly your arguing about what you did. the example is a really drastic version and isnt always like this but its the general idea:

Stacy:why did you borrow that T-shirt without asking?! i had a date and i needed it!

Jessica:stop your yelling your going to wake my parents up. you need to learn to not overreact and calm down.

anyone else notice this?

  • 31 Replies
2,520 posts

I've noticed that women abandon the argument quickly, and don't know how to shut up when they're wrong. They also think 'whatever, you're an idiot' wins the battle. Often the subjects they argue most passionately about are they ones they're the least knowledgable on.

608 posts

I've also noticed this. Men don't really care too much when they argue but women seem to take arguments very seriously.

230 posts

I think that it doesn't matter what gender you are. I know plenty of guys who take arguments waaayyy to seriously, especially when it's over nothing and I know girls who are just like: whatever man, it's cool.

It has to do with who you are not what gender you are.

606 posts

I've been in a ton of these things. And when I'm right and the person I know is wrong they take the fight way to long. So It's in both genders.

6,672 posts

I think that it doesn't matter what gender you are. I know plenty of guys who take arguments waaayyy to seriously, especially when it's over nothing and I know girls who are just like: whatever man, it's cool.

It has to do with who you are not what gender you are.

believe me, your a girl, you probably do the "female twist" more than you know.

its not that they drag it on, the difference is that guys defend themselves, girls turn it around and its suddenly about something YOU did
1,936 posts

This is quite possibly the most sexist thread I've ever encountered. :b
I might argue that way, but its isn't right to make that kind of generalization about the entire femaile population.

26,390 posts

Let me just clear this whole thing up right now: women are brain ninjas.
End of story.

I normally don't come in and joke around in threads like this, but are you guys actually serious here?

6,672 posts

This is quite possibly the most sexist thread I've ever encountered. :b
I might argue that way, but its isn't right to make that kind of generalization about the entire femaile population.

your doing it now. im pointing out something that you guys do, and then you try and turn it around on to something im doing. way to prove my point tacky :P

I normally don't come in and joke around in threads like this, but are you guys actually serious here?

its kinda half and half, theres room to joke around but my observation is deffinatly a real one. and dane cooks speaks the truth man
1,322 posts

there's this thing about stereotypes... or at least some of them... it may've been warped and distorted horrendously... but there is usually or was at some point a small grain of truth behind them.

chemistry wise... men and women on average pump different amounts of different chemicals through their systems... socially they're sometimes raised differently. saying that just because a person is a person doesn't mean that there are no classes of people that don't on average act or respond differently to a certain thing differently than a different group does. if different chemistry effects different mindsets then I'd think there'd be a notable difference in those who act naturally (unless you go out of your way to train them to think a certain way.) ...but that's just me.

fellow men... if you just realize that women aren't ever wrong you won't ever have a problem

I don't really get into too many arguments w/ wimminz's... so I don't have much else to toss in here... just that it is in fact possible to have a different way of arguing btw the two (our brains are different after all)

6,672 posts

if you just realize that women aren't ever wrong you won't ever have a problem

oh please that statement is such BS i gagged :P. what if your girl cheats on you?

and all im saying is that this is how EVERY SINGLE GIRL IVE SEEN argues. i mean EVERY. i havent seen one that doesnt. if i meet one, i will let you guys know, till then i shall think how i think. and dont get me wrong, its not a sexist thing. i dont hate women for it or nothing. thats just what ive noticed how men and women argue
6 posts

Haha I can kind of see what you're getting at but I'd have to disagree.

The way people argue is totally based off of their personality and the situation.

1,936 posts

Oh, come ON. I even said I might argue that way.
Either way, making generalizations isn't right. Honestly I think most guys do that too.

1,322 posts

seems we has a kong infiltration O_O

Either way, making generalizations isn't right. Honestly I think most guys do that too.

all we're doing is taking note of how oddly a set of dots line up... and then connecting those dots.

The way people argue is totally based off of their personality and the situation.

what then dictates personality? to some extent your personality is predisposed (to different levels for different people) by your dna. Said DNA codes for different outputs of hormones in men and women. What if I said that a lot of women get irrationally angry or just have abnormally extreme moods (allowing for the sads)~12 weeks out of the year? ...its a generalization... but then again it could maybe be shown to correlate to the influx of the different hormones and what those hormones cause in the body.

it works that way with least most men I know of in some way shape form or fashion... testosterone influences how we think and what we think about... be it competition and our kill drive... or be it our predisposition to seek romantic relationships.

I'm just saying that your personality isn't just solely gleaned from your experiences... your hormone levels help you choose between your options some times.
354 posts

A guy's argument lasts maybe 5 minutes. A women's arguments lasts like half an hour.

Ive listened to my mom and sister argue and it just goes on and on.

67 posts

I disagree. I don't think it's a gender thing. I think it's an individual thing.

There's different ways people will argue, regardless of if their male or female. Not all females string out arguments and not all guys shift the argument in a calm way.

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