But that would only happen if your idea of god is correct, which defeats the entire purpose of it. There are a million other religions that have you going to hell, from TBG to Islam to Scientology to whatever else.
No, this takes all of the existing religions into account. There is infinity in at least one heaven, so there is an INF to subtract from. There is infinity in at least one hell, so there is an INF subtracted. The result is therefore INF-INF, which is undefined. Still senseless.
Now may I ask you, if Pascal's Wager is correct, why don't you believe in Santa Clause? I mean, believing in him loses you nothing, but if you don't believe in him you miss out on the opportunity of magical presents every Christmas. Millions of little kids across the earth have experienced him personally. So why don't you just believe in him?
Given that Santa Claus' origin is Saint Nicholas, who is made saint by God, I can believe in God whose saint is Saint Nicholas. However, Santa Claus is an altered image and is therefore not a saint, so I may not believe in such a character.
So my TBG must be true, since I am not supreme to it?
You have named him, so you
are supreme to it, therefore TBG is not god.
Well, I think everybody LIKES the idea of some form of afterlife, but reality isn't about what we like and what we don't like but what exists and what doesn't exist.
Yes, everyone tries to find the ultimate sense of their life in hope it exists. I wonder if you have tried this.
Like this: Say there is a planet many light years away from ours. This planet is populated with sentient beings, who have never heard of Earth or religion. But, just today, they came up with the idea of Christianity, in a way that exactly mirrors our version of Christianity. To them, Christianity is new. But it isn't, really. It's been around for a long time, and they just discovered it.
Hmm. This opens a hole for infinite religions and form of religions and induces more probability playing. Also this eliminates elaboration of religions, say like when Aaron made a golden calf and said "This is the god that led you from Egypt". Since the time of the universe existing is finite, some civilization in this context should "discover" a certain religion first, and also, there should be a religion that was discovered first. What is this, and how could it then be?
Unless I am God(1,2,3...). Or if god told me these things. Then I am merely conveying information.
Well, the first is false, as you are not supreme over ME. The second is also false, since you are proclaiming more than one god, but which of them is then a god? If some powerful entity has no control over some aspect of life, this entity is not God. So, since you have proclaimed a false, whatever entity told you to do this is not God.
EVERY religion has acclaimed miracles/things ascribed to it. How you view other religions miracles is no different from how we view YOUR's. The only thing here is you're biased in what makes a religion true, what the person claiming that miracle to be believes in.
*Yawns*I have requested more than once to provide me a bit of information of a miracle without plausible scientific explanation that is attributed to any other religion than Christianity. While you fail at this, your point is hollow.
Your personal, bias views doesn't play any roll in reducing the odds any as you seem to be trying to do.
Reducing the odds of what exactly? Of you being right? They are already at zero. Of someone being right? "Someone" is "basically right" already, there are people who live a life of helping others, and they are "basically right". Of Christianity to have better odds at being "true"? Yes I do, at least for your eyes (and I don't know exacly why am I trying to punch a hole in your "unbiased" closed mind), and see above please, you too have failed at providing me required info.
It's just as possible everyone is wrong and it's something no one has thought of, an undiscovered religion.
Giving all possible outcome equal probability is acceptable only if there is no information available for this matter. Rejecting available sources does no good to any scientist.