Im not pro-war (but who is....) ,but by looking at the past, there are benefits to warfare here are a few examples:
1 ww1 brought the practical use of the air plane. 2 nazi Germany's top rocket scientists made the first ballistic missle (which is the grand daddy of most nasa projects in 50's and 60's.
thats all i have for now oh P.S. the top scientists came to america to help out the U.S.A's "little" roket projects
and dont talk a bout the casualties of war.... we all know about that
What do you mean?
War could help establish peace, that's one of the reasons America's in the middle east. I have also heard that war could help improve the economy of a country but it wouldn't be a country that is in the war, it would be for a country suppling weapons and equipment. It could also give jobs to people who would other wise be jobless.
War is a dark, gritty, necessary evil. Those ungrateful liberals just make me sick at times. :Oh, but it causes more hate!" I've been told that. YOUR ERADICATING THREATS TO GOD GIVEN FREEDOM!
Yup. That's why it took a war to kill Osama bin Laden and not a strike team of a few highly trained operatives. >_>
And I could go on about how the founding fathers weren't very Christian or religious anyways so how would they be "Gods" freedom. Or how there may not even be a god in the first place, but that isn't what this thread is about is it?
I personally believe that war used to be an effective way to control population size, but now it is just a way to gain land area and scare the established population into subservience.
1 ww1 brought the practical use of the air plane. 2 nazi Germany's top rocket scientists made the first ballistic missle (which is the grand daddy of most nasa projects in 50's and 60's.
War does cause a lot of rivalry and forces humanity to invent harder and work harder in general. It happens in every war with industrialized powers involved that are under real threat (so I wouldn't count wars like Vietnam or Iraq). Every time.
And btw, there's a long long list about scientific inventions from invented during ww1 and ww2 that where also useful for civilian use. Another example that quickly comes though my head: Encoding messages through machines (The Enigma).
I personally believe that war used to be an effective way to control population size, but now it is just a way to gain land area and scare the established population into subservience.
War is so terribly inefficient in doing that, even worlds like WW2. The only thing that actually made a difference by killing people was the black plague. War actually increases the population size, ever heard of a post war Baby boom? People feel unsafe after a war or for whatever other reason they tend to make baby booms right away that brings a huge population growth which outnumbers the people who died in notime.
Spur scientific invention that may even funnel into common society. Give political power to the country Give an economic boost to a country supplying weapons, or a country that is receiving trade through the closing of trade in other countries. Puts money into the system by paying companies + soldiers Political Unity/Nationalism Baby boom [Good or bad]
I personally believe that war used to be an effective way to control population size, but now it is just a way to gain land area and scare the established population into subservience.
Throughout all of history, War has been terrible at controlling population sizes. And for much of it, it has been used to gain land and scare people.
The only thing that actually made a difference by killing people was the black plague.
White colonization of the New World killed off 95% of the native population, and, according to some historians, killed off a greater percentage of the World Population than the Plague. I think we could just say 'epidemics'.
Maybe not Vietnam, but Iraq had a period of really pushing for technology after and before things like the Gulf War or the Iran/Iraq war.
Maybe not Vietnam, but Iraq had a period of really pushing for technology after and before things like the Gulf War or the Iran/Iraq war.
Yea but I think its more associated to the Cold war in large.
White colonization of the New World killed off 95% of the native population, and, according to some historians, killed off a greater percentage of the World Population than the Plague. I think we could just say 'epidemics'.
Forget about that. Yea it did do that. Mostly by various diseases carried by Europeans that the native's body could not handle. If it wasn't for that I think the American natives could have won. I've read an interesting book about it a little while back called something like Guns, Germs and Steel. The natives where starting to push the Europeans back when the diseases got them. I wonder how the world would have looked like if they would have managed to kick the colonial empires back.
ok this isnt a history lesson...... were disscussing the benefits of war....... not the colonization of north america or the cold war...... go starta thread of your own if you wish on these topics...
were disscussing the benefits of war....... not the colonization of north america or the cold war
The cold war is probably one of the most beneficial wars in terms of technology. The entire modern age comes from what was developed for the military during the cold war.
Steam engine microwave Medevac helicopter Jet engine Medical techniques navigation equipment communication devices and so on...
A more political answer is peacekeeping. If one side wins then peace usually results. So long as the winning side doesn't make the defeated side mad (WWI) with fail treaties.
A more political answer is peacekeeping. If one side wins then peace usually results. So long as the winning side doesn't make the defeated side mad (WWI) with fail treaties.
I think today war usually develops hatred so in modern politics wining a war will only make the other side want to "restore his honor" even if you don't impose anything on him.