Im not pro-war (but who is....) ,but by looking at the past, there are benefits to warfare here are a few examples:
1 ww1 brought the practical use of the air plane. 2 nazi Germany's top rocket scientists made the first ballistic missle (which is the grand daddy of most nasa projects in 50's and 60's.
thats all i have for now oh P.S. the top scientists came to america to help out the U.S.A's "little" roket projects
I'd have to disagree here and say that WWII was the most beneficial war in those terms.
Now that I think about I find it hard to say either was better as the research during WWII never really slowed due to the cold war. I guess I would have to say the whole era of WWII and the cold war was the best.
the big one i forgot to mention the modernization of countries ie Japan because most of our every day objects computers clothing etc. especially japan cuz every one there wanted to make money in any way possible after ww2 and soon led to nintendo and other companies that mad electronics (in fact im using a samsung now........)
Japan was advanced and modernized already before WW2 but the feudalistic system was holding them back in several ways. In fact all the former Exis countries benefited a lot from losing that war when you look at where it got them.
their losing of the war brought american troops, ideas, clothing, and of course coool little japanese souveners that soon led up to the making of things such as video games and since everyone was trying to make money, things were pretty cheap to make there. has anyone ever seen a japanese tin model? i have one myself.
Well now the cold war is over and the West and many other industrialized countries can rest assure they will not longer be under any real threat of war for a long time. The birth rates are droping, people are getting more lazy and the productivity of the society in whole is terrable. The way I see it, most industrialized countries today need a new cold war. China, Russia and all their small allies should make a fine new Eastern block for the West.
Would you rather have a decaying economy with radicals (both on right and left) getting lots of power? It would be the 1920's all over again but with nuclear powers this time. On the other hand, China looks pretty much like USSR and combined with modern day Russia I think the new Eastern block will be responsible enough not to go nuclear. You're fear of a nuclear war will also make you work harder so you will defensively hate it.
Forget to add: My country is a good example for how people today work harder and give a good birth rate (around 2.7 per woman) and by doing so, keep the economy booming. Without a real threat of war we would have just been like any other lazy European country with a bad birth rate.
The benefits of war range depending on your involvement. Weapons contractors? Love war because it means money. Politicians and Presidents may go to war for the potential power or selfish agendas as far as resources, etc. Soldiers, I do not know the benefit these young men and women feel besides the gratification of fighting for their country?
other than the gradification of fighting for their country, soldiers dont get much. nowadays orders could be made and executed in an hour or less so a war these days would be way tooo costly and could lead to nuclear warfare and besides the countries that bickered and fought (by words or bullets) 50-80 years ago are now most likely are in a treaty ie NATO, UN, etc. so now the only 2 threats i could think of is: 1: China and 2: terrorists.
The chance of a nuclear war between major countries is very slim. The only thing to worry about is some militant group getting one from somewhere.
Soldiers, I do not know the benefit these young men and women feel besides the gratification of fighting for their country?
Its more then enough to know you did you're part. The way I see it, when war happens the duty falls on everyone to fight and it doesn't matter if you think the war is right or wrong because someone still has to go take up arms and fight for the country. Those people who do enlist can know they did their part and not feel selfish looking at the TV, seeing how other people are doing for them what they should be doing themselves. Some other people do it for the money in countries like the US but a considerate part don't, possibly the majority. Especially in countries that don't pay their soldiers much.
and besides the countries that bickered and fought (by words or bullets) 50-80 years ago are now most likely are in a treaty ie NATO, UN, etc. so now the only 2 threats i could think of is: 1: China and 2: terrorists.
So I'm guessing countries like Syria, Lebanon, N. Korea and Iran are listed as terrorists. And I think you overestimate China's motives. All they care about is industrialization, not spreading communism or anything like that. That's when in the sense of dangerous I would put China right next to Russia.
War. War never changes. Yes war can super-charge a nation (see USA circa 1940) It can help liberate a people from its oppressors (see The Low countries v. Spain) Hell, war can even bring two eternal rivals closer for the better of humans (see entire history of England and France)
War is Human nature, it goes alongside the fact that all humans are flawed, and we're all evil on the inside. I'm not saying that we should have ourselves a good war every decade, but it's inevitable that this Human trait will follow us forever.
A quote - "We should be able to provide in times of peace, that which we can in times of war"