ForumsWEPRWorship: what would it take?

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1,416 posts

I've seen some atheist people on here state what it would take make them theists. However, being a theist is vastly different from actually worshiping a god.

So, assuming (for the purposes of this thread) that some sort of god exists, and you have free will, what would this god have to be like to merit your unwavering worship and devotion? Note that the earth does not have to be the same as it is now in this situation. IE this god could have created some sort of utopia for you to live in instead of the earth with all its imperfections.

For the theists out there:
Why do you worship your god? (Again, not asking why you believe in your god)

  • 38 Replies
554 posts

If there was clearly a god who interacted with us and said he needs our prayers to continue helping us I'd pray. If god does not need the prayers or reward us for praying what is the point of praying?

9,462 posts

If I knew or at least thought I could interact with this deity on some level through prayer I would pray. Or as qwerty said if it was require for that deity to help us or others I would do so.
As for worship I don't know perhaps high admiration would be given if that deity was truly benevolent and used it's power to everyone's betterment the best it could.

Interesting topic BTW, I look forward to seeing what others have to say.

67 posts

I'm the the guys, knowledge about the god, not scripture, actual knowledge,

5,552 posts

I'm the the guys, knowledge about the god, not scripture, actual knowledge,

...what? I don't understand what you're trying to say very clearly...
67 posts

Sorry. They're saying that interaction with a diety would be what it takes - this would be the same for me but with the concept that you'd actually know about 'God'.
Instead of learning everything from a book, it'd be good if we could clarify it.

If that makes sense?

3,671 posts

Sorry. They're saying that interaction with a diety would be what it takes - this would be the same for me but with the concept that you'd actually know about 'God'.
Instead of learning everything from a book, it'd be good if we could clarify it.

This is actually very interesting that you say this I am a christian and from my pastors and my leaders. how I have come to understand this is that if you read the bible and all you know from God is because of the bible that means you are probably religious because you haven't actually experience god in a supernatural way. But, when you actually have experiences you know like praying for bills to be somehow payed and then somehow moneymakes it your way or your in the hospital and doctors say you must stay a week and you pray you will be able to get out the next hour and then you get out the next hour. Is that what you are saying? not simply reading a book if not actually seeking him/
3,224 posts

IE this god could have created some sort of utopia for you to live in instead of the earth with all its imperfections.

If God created a perfect world I doubt anyone would need a reason to be religious in the first place. Unless you literally saw him doing it that is. Other than that, it would take firstly empirical evidence of his existence, and secondly empirical evidence that I was in fact sane and not just living in lala land.
3,025 posts

If the situation is that God was created with the Big Bang, and that he is not omnipresent and etc, I would appreciate if he could help us out, but only when it is needed - not when it takes a bit of hard work to pull through. I'd also like him to visit often, I mean, you know, if he could manifest a physical form once every few months, say hi to the new kids, make enjoy a town-dinner, why not?

Also, I'd rather him not want us worship him - I don't like that idea, I don't want to be "under" anyone in that kind of way, and I want him to help others understand that. <3

Will it happen? Well, almost certainly not :P
For now the closest thing I've got to a God is Globus. For various reasons (namely their music and their religious standing).

- H

5,552 posts

Yeah, what is it about god wanting to be worshipped? I mean I can understand being grateful to him if he created everything but...spending your life going about thanking him? Seems like he's got self-esteem issues.

3,025 posts

Well, you know, I look up to God, you know, trying to be like him, and I have to say, I am <censored> awesome.

XD In all seriousness, it's obviously bad parenting if you spoil your kids, God, if he is real, always tries and make it seem as if he is spoiling you, and you're all like "Gee, thanks!". I mean, I know I haven't got a God, but if I did, I'd rather he helped us only in the greatest times of need and when we are in the right, not spoon feeding us stories about how his son done the same "back in the day".

That sounds strange, it sounds like the Father is following his sons footsteps - not the other way around XD

- H

1,416 posts

Interesting! a general trend going on here is that, while no one has said they would worship a god, a few people have said they would pray to a god on the condition that he isn't all powerful.

So, a god's weakness actually merits positive attention.

If God created a perfect world I doubt anyone would need a reason to be religious in the first place.

Very true! But look at it this way: if the god was all powerful and/or all knowing, and he didn't create a perfect world, that would kind of be a jerk move, no? Why would we pray to a jerk? Therefore, it kind of makes sense that less power = more attention, because it absolves the god of a lot of responsibility.

A question:
Would any of you who have said you would pray to a god in order to help yourself/others, would you go so far as sacrifice things to said god? What would you be willing to sacrifice? (this can be things in your life like in lent, or lambs, or whatever you want)

Another question:
If a god wanted to be prayed to (and free will exists), wouldn't it make sense to create an imperfect world, so that people have a reason to pray to him?
3,025 posts

aknerd, first of all, thanks for this thread, it's actually developing very well and I appreciate the different perspective <3

Second, a Gods weakness good because if he didn't have one then he kind of would be "above us". If he didn't let it get ahead of him which, being benevolent, it wouldn't, then great!

Very true! But look at it this way: if the god was all powerful and/or all knowing, and he didn't create a perfect world, that would kind of be a jerk move, no? Why would we pray to a jerk? Therefore, it kind of makes sense that less power = more attention, because it absolves the god of a lot of responsibility.

A good standpoint. In my opinion it's contradictory, I'd rather develop myself and have the God as more of an observer, putting through helping hands and sparking motivation for people rather than handing us it. If my God (which for now I'm going to call Globus for funs) was benevolent, adaptive, tough (in a mental way), obviously touched by us and happy, I would do everything to achieve that - moreso if he was actually part of the village (In this world it's a medieval state of technology and we're quickly developing), helping out in a physical and human form.

When it is DESPARATE times of need, he would magically conjure something to aid us, but other than that, his work and aid comes from questions - "What do you think?", he doesn't have to be intelligent, as long as he strives to learn and sharing it with those who would not abuse it...

Gahh! I want Globus to be real now :<

Would any of you who have said you would pray to a god in order to help yourself/others, would you go so far as sacrifice things to said god? What would you be willing to sacrifice? (this can be things in your life like in lent, or lambs, or whatever you want)

Given what I've just said, town-dinners with him, celebrations, and sharing resources like Wood / Stone / w/e he may need to survive is more than a worthy "sacrifice", we kill animals and eat them to survive, if he is a physicaly manifestation and MUST remain that way, I see no reason in letting such a magnificent being die. Then again, he wouldn't be a God, in which case, I would gladly let him use any natural resource that does not cause murder or damage and let him do what he pleases with it.

If a god wanted to be prayed to (and free will exists), wouldn't it make sense to create an imperfect world, so that people have a reason to pray to him?

I'd rather be prayed for being able to give the people the strength to carry on building a perfect society, not be prayed to to grant them a perfect society. <3

That, and it does NOT take a God to achieve that, if he understands that, all the better. He can help, live and observe us (when appropriate), but I would not want a God who looks for attention on his traits, but rather teaches people to recognise these traits from other people, and to look out for themselves, etc.

- H
9,462 posts

Sorry. They're saying that interaction with a diety would be what it takes - this would be the same for me but with the concept that you'd actually know about 'God'.
Instead of learning everything from a book, it'd be good if we could clarify it.

So basically if a god just proved it existed you would worship that god, is that about right?

Would any of you who have said you would pray to a god in order to help yourself/others, would you go so far as sacrifice things to said god? What would you be willing to sacrifice? (this can be things in your life like in lent, or lambs, or whatever you want)

I would first want to know what god needs with a sacrifice.

If a god wanted to be prayed to (and free will exists), wouldn't it make sense to create an imperfect world, so that people have a reason to pray to him?

If I knew a god existed and could hear me through prayer I would pray simply to hold conversation. So needing something or not wouldn't matter.

Of course this assumes we actually know such a being existed in the first place.
3,025 posts

Don't bust it Mage <3
It's all hypothetical

- H

554 posts

Interesting! a general trend going on here is that, while no one has said they would worship a god, a few people have said they would pray to a god on the condition that he isn't all powerful.

So, a god's weakness actually merits positive attention.

It's just that if a god needs worship he is not omnipotent. And so an omnipotent god should not be prayed to. And if a god needed worship he should reward prayers. And if you are rewarded for praying all would pray.
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