I would honestly think that being able to live forever would suck! You have to experience everything and go through all the years just you, while you see all your friends and family past away. I would much rather die with my generation of family(like my brother) because life without him would be insane and impossible for me!
Yeah, being immortal may not be so great. Having to see your entire family die before you, even your kids and grandkids, would be just painful and hard to take. Now if everyone could live forever, Earth would be populated crazily. I'd rather die with my generation also.
Not really. The only countries that I believe are overpopulated are China and India. Malthus's Theory predicted that we would be overpopulated, but I guess he was wrong. I'm don't remember why he's wrong though?
I heard that women getting a college education (maybe even more) would make them hold off on having children. I guess when that theory was made, women weren't expected to do much. But when was that theory made?
Malthus wrote Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798. I believe that if people were actually immortal, or even could live a long time, global resources would be stretched to the limit, or more likely, far beyond limits. As it is, humans live to be much older than 80 years ago. Imagine if medical advances allowed people to live to..say 200. Could you even fathom how many people would inhabit the Earth?
I'm not entirely sure because I have only read about what it is and stuff like that. I suggest looking it up. I'll try to see if I can find a good link on it.
So yea, back then, women weren't expected to amount to much. They were just supposed to have children, but nowadays, women are getting educations, so they wait to have children.
Basically, the reason malthus is wrong is he looked at population growth being exponential, but food supply being limited. He didn't account for mass death events (like plagues or wars) and he didn't account for improvements in farming techniques. The Earth could easily support 2 or 3 times our current population. The reason people are starving now is not technological or agricultural, it's political and economic.
I agree with what has been said upthread about the difference between immortality and lack of aging. I still think if you living forever and didn't age with it, It would be worth it. Yea, losing your friends would suck, but we don't kill ourselves when we have friends die in our thirties and forties. We'd make new friends while remembering the old.
I wouldn't be too upset with immortality myself. There's always something new to learn or do, and we're constantly finding new things to do. We only get one shot at this life, so we might as well make the most of it, and live as long as we can, since there's nothing for us after we die.
I agree. However, wouldnt you become bored with it all? People get bored with wealth, but everyone aspires to become wealthy. I think that if you truly couldnt die, it may hold an initial (century long) rush, but it would eventually just become mundane. In addition, what if you couldnt, for some ungodly reason, aquire the wealth to do everything you wanted? Bloody yawn city, eh?
Personally, as a Christian, I believe all who accept Christ as their savior shall live for eternity, but going along with the theme of this thread-
It would probably become boring after a while, as everything eventually does, and like nick said, it would be horrid to watch all family and friends die out, while you live on.
Personally, I wouldn't want to live forever because then you'd be a witness to whatever horrible things humanity does to itself. Man is its own worst enemy, and you'd be forced to watch what would possibly be the end of civilization.