Personally, I wouldn't want to live forever because then you'd be a witness to whatever horrible things humanity does to itself. Man is its own worst enemy, and you'd be forced to watch what would possibly be the end of civilization.
I suppose. But motivated would be the understatement of the year, (or century). Ask yourself this, then.
-What if you were the only one to discover immortality? You may be able to keep the secret for a few decades, (subscribing that you do not age). You would be fabulously wealthy, incessantly bothered and hounded and I'm afraid you would get....well..bored.
Well, boredom isn't the problem for me. It's the inability to cope with the destruction of my homeland, of (oooOOOOOOOoooo!) my home PLANET. So long as I've got my PS2 and my big stack of... uhm... gaming magazines, we're all good.
I cant really complain about the planet i'm on. Truthfully, I really dont have any other planets to compare it to... I do however agree that bieng immortal would pose a serious inconvienience if the world around me perished. Now that would be boring!
Of course, being immortal, it would also give you the chance to re-cultivate and rebuild the world. It would be like Sim Earth on a much grander scale.
That sounds very grand and romantic, but if you were immortal and everyone else was not, you would have to go the way of the earthworm to do any simming at all
I really do not think I'd wish to live forever. If no one else was going to live forever, I would just have to live with the knowledge that anyone that I loved would die before me, and I would probably become even more horribly depressed... Also, what if the world was destroyed, and I was stuck on an uninhabited planet all by my lonesome. As horrid as the prospect of dying is, I would rather that to seeing everyone that I ever loved die...
exactly. The true gift of mortality is that because our lives are so finite, we can enjoy the world in all of its imperfections and forge relationships that will last as long as we do. Its a nice idea anyway..
no. NEVER. The earth will end when in 6 or 2 or something years. I read that in a book. And i dont wanna see the effects of global warming and suffer. Its too late to save mankind. I think. Unless there's some hope that we wont kill ourselves, i wanna die.
Live forever? Well, if it's possible that there's no 'End of the World'! Anyway, if I want to live forever, I just want to stay young. I don't want to be old and get tired easily. Sigh, and if I do live forever, some day, I plan to die!
And also, I want to see my friends alive, not dead... Even my family. It will be sad, since it's *hard to replace and forget!
I would not like to live forever it would just get boring,i would know too much,to much information.....remember the less you know a bout bad things the longer you live.