this poor 17 year old person is the butt of every joke nowadays. why do you guys hate him so much? sure, he cant sing, but I bet you cant either. 12 year old girls love him, but I bet if you were 12 years old and filled with estrogen, you couldnt help yourself either. he isnt famous for his music anymore. hes famous because everybody hates him for no apparent reason.
why do i have to have a reason for hating someone? Ignorance is bliss, is it not? cuz YOU said so? Feel free to hate whoever you want, but if you have no reasoning behind it, you are simply an ignorant person. "i hatez Justin Bieber cuz i like to follow bandwagons!" your telling me im not allowed to hate anyone without owing YOU an explanation? Implying I said you can't hate without a reason. However, it's not right to do so. Hating for the sake of hating will get you nowhere. who died and made you in charge of all human emotion? Because hating a person for no reason at all is nonsensical. nobody said they hated justin beiber for no reason I advise you to read the whole thread before posting. Even on this page, someone said his music was horrible without reasoning, which makes it bias. there are PLENTY of reasons to hate him, like hes an annoying little snot head for one, maybe THATS why people hate him. Hate - to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry. So, you're going to hate him just because of his music, that he probably didn't write, and because YOU pay attention to him? Looks like you're looking for a terrible reason to hate, it's like hating someone for the sake of hating without any reasoning. I advise you to NOT listen to him if you hate him. If you do listen to him, then I guess you like him. "yo, i hate dis kid, man, i listen to his songs a lot and stuff, and i hatez him"
I think Ghost just beat the poo out of all of you guys at once.
"yo look at me! I hates Justin Bieber because I hatez his music and he's such a bad person because of how he looks" "Hey all! letz jumps on the bandwagon because we can't simply ignore him!" "makes sense everyone!?" *empty room*