Brother, it's sad that you cannot even spell retarded correctly. So, you toss an opinion out saying that you think homosexuals have a mental disability. Elaborate. If you are going to bring such an ignorant statement to the table, back it up.
Well, I don't believe in Hell or Heaven and I really doubt the existence of a Higher Being, but that is up in the air right now. If someone can give me some definitive explanations for them besides the thousands of years of humans just fabricating religion to appease the everlasting question of where do we come from (or where we are going). But that's a whole other discussion.
Switch, I can't put too much sting because I must try to remain somewhat neutral being a mod.
Switch, I couldn't have said that better myself. A lot of these people come in here using religion as an explanation and never back it up. Not saying that it couldn't be knocked down, but at least bring something good to the discussion, you know?
I do enjoy those Christians (like yourself) that know when and where to express Christian ideals and generally do it well.
If you like the same sex, keep that to yourself, don't go out and where a shirt that says ' ain't it a great day to be gay?'. Keep it to yourself, i have nothing against homosexuality, in my country, the country recognizes gay marriage. I mean look at Elton John, he's gay, but it's alright
well, i kinda agree with paintballking, i think that being g.ay is a personal thing, being proud to be g.ay is kinda pointless...saying that your proud to be gay is just like saying you are proud to be not gay and you don't see people going around saying that they are proud to be not gay
Hmmm... I see your point steevo. It is like the topic that talks about how we can have cultural groups, but if a caucasion pride group was made it would be considered racist and inappropriate.
i honestly don't see the point in telling the people you are g.ay, i doubt anyone would really care. The same would go for if you went around telling people some random fact about yourself, no one would care