They also said in 2000 we were all supposed to die, and here we are!
Are you talking about Y2K? That wasn't some fake thing invented by a religion. Computers only kept track of the current year with two digits, so 1998 would be 98, 1999 would be 99, and 2000 would be, oh, well there's the problem. People were afraid computers were going to get confused and crash when it turned to 2000 and some people thought if computers crashed then the nuclear missals would launch killing everyone.
What do you mean by this? This 'rediction' (which it isn't even, read the other threads explaining it) does come from the mayans, but also other cultures. Saying that it doesn't is false.
I think they meant that the Mayans did not make this prediction.
^this I mean there had to be something that started all that hype, sure, but all this 2012 catastrophe world ending stuff has been completely built by marketing, sectarian and esotheric people on some old mythology thingie that didn't say any of these things at all.
(which it isn't even, read the other threads explaining it)
Thread in which I did have a part, you might want to read them themselves
In the end I agree with Mage, that's when life will slowly fade and earth be engulfed.
I believe that people are stupid. It's funny, this whole 2012 thing how everyone thinks the world will end, but they thought the same thing during Y2K. And during the Cold War. Back then they thought it would just be Global Thermonuclear War, but did it happen? I don't think so.
Never said it was. When did I even talk about religion in my post, Dan? I know what it was, dearie.
Heh, you called me Dan on AG. Doomsday is generally associated with a religion so when you say "they" while talking about doomsday, I can only assume "they" is a religious group. Also, some religious groups believed Y2K was going to be the end of the world.
Time will tell all my friends. ANyone and everyone can come up with a reason the world will end. At the end of the day, no one knows. These are all guesses we are feeding into. Time will tell all.