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ForumsThe TavernSummer work

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2,226 posts

So it's summer, and most people get to sit back and do nothing (at least academically). Well, now that I'm in high school, I have driver's ed with BTW, summer reading, and a math summer I'll have the reading, math, and a job D:
Anyone else have summer work (probably mostly the older users)?

  • 19 Replies
2,226 posts

Most people in my grade are 15 now so most of us aren't working yet. Some people who are 15, though, can work at this one water park called Turtle Splash. My dad says that one of friends/ coworkers (it really doesn't matter to me) told him about this one gaming company that I might be able to work at soon, so hopefully that's not as much of a letdown as this other thing he told me about. Getting a little off topic, but it was called Webcarz and one of my uncles told me about beta testing. At first, I was kind of excited (it was the first thing I had ever beta tested), but then when I finally tried it out, it was just sucky cars that you could customize a bit...they didn't even look like cars, they were mostly blocks :P
I'll stop now...

464 posts

I have the easiest job of all. Being me!

3,386 posts

I love how 15 year olds say they can't have jobs. If you wanted one you would find a way, I *had* two jobs, skating rink and bookstore, even though I love skating, I couldn't stand the incessant whining of fellow employees who haven't even passed Geometry. So I quit, and now I work at a charming bookstore on the edges of downtown. I work the opening shift, most of the time I'm alone and no one really comes in. Now, you might be thinking "Holy crap a 15 year old girl in downtown, working at a bookstore, when no one is around, wtf were they thinking when they hired her."
It's slightly not EXACTLY legal, but I'm turning 16 in a month or two, and they needed the help.
And really, who WOULDN'T want to work at a bookstore? It's amazing, except for doing inventory. ._.
I mostly work at around 7:30 to noon or so, whenever the dude that owns it can drive me back home.
So it isn't a huge dent in my day, but I'm going into AP classes here which entitle doing work, which I never do. For AP History, we even have a boot camp in July for it. Along with 4 books to read and complete 30 questions for every chapter 1-10 only, we will go over the rest during school, so that is 300 questions for 4 different books. 1,200 in all. Joy. And that is only AP History, I also have AP English, where we get to scan through 25 articles and point out every last grammar mistake, then list how we think some of the grammar rules are idiotic with the teacher by writing a research paper about it. For Chinese 2/3, the ELECTIVE, Mrs. Yu (original) told me to write a paper using only the characters, no pinyin, about how my summer was. Supposed to be 2 pages, which seems small, but I'm also supposed to have at least a 10 minute conversation with her about her topic of choice, which is terrifying. This brings me to AP Psychology, where I'm just supposed to write all about me, and I think I might use this little tidbit I'm writing in it. Then Mr. Daniels gave out certain tasks to all people, and me, mentioning my interest in Criminology, he told me to observe random people and try to write their personalities by not talking to them, then talking to them and writing their personality AFTER.

Needless to say, I have a lot to do, but I'll probably procrastinate and do it all the morning school starts.

13,817 posts

I'd say that the general minimum working age here in New Zealand is fifteen. I'll probably be corrected on that one.

Hmm.. I actually haven't done much summer work for some reason. Of course, I'll probably be pressed into finding a summer job next year. I don't mind too much, but I'm not entirely sure where I'd want to work.

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