ForumsWEPRA Nation of Five Year Olds

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145 posts

I just finished watching Anthony Weiner resign due to this "sex scandal" of his. Which really was just him sending inappropriate and sexual pictures of himself to girls.

I don't condone or defend anyone who cheats on their spouse. But does sending inappropriate pictures make Weiner unfit to be a congressman? Why are so many politicians driven out of office because of frivolous personal problems?

It's because we are a nation of five year olds. I feel kind of sick that I am posting this and contributing in any way to the Anthony Weiner scandal's publicity. But this needs to be pointed out.

It may be because of how heavily Christian our nation is, but we seem to be prude and easily disgusted when it comes to our politician's sex lives. Instead of looking at his political tract record, Weiner was forced to resign because some people deemed him unfit to lead due to pictures he sent. These pictures were not classified images of war crime. These pictures were not proof of a fraudulent election. They were pictures of his penis bulge.

The maturity level of this nation is sickening and almost nonexistent.

  • 29 Replies
3,085 posts

It just doesn't do to have a politician talking about their family-friendly policies or whatever when you know they've been sending pictures of their... bulge to women over the internet and indulging in cyber-sexual relations too, especially not when the politician is married. It all comes down to responsibility and self-control, if a politician doesn't have the self-control to stop themselves from doing something like that, then they need to take responsibility for their actions - as well as this, it may only have been some pictures and a few conversations but lets not forget that it still shows him as being a somewhat 'seedy' or at least unsavoury person to have representing people and it doesn't do anyone any good to have a politician that neither the party nor the people he represents likes.

8,256 posts

Meh.. there are a lot of countries with a very low maturity level within government and politicians..

Anyway, I also noticed on several occasions that in many jobs and positions, reasons to get fired don't even have to be professionally related, depending on who gets offensed by what. I guess this is because people aren't used to look at for example politicians as private persons, but rather as their professional side. And as soon as something like this comes out, people get uncomfortable about someone holding that position when doing such stuff, even when it's in private. People aren't able to fully appreciate someone's professional abilities in context with such news, even when totally unrelated. That's sad in a way..

145 posts

Avorne, that doesn't make them unfit to be a congressman though. His political tract record shows that he was still a successful congressman and achieved goals and kept promises.

As long as he is doing that, why does anyone care about what he does in his personal life? That should be between him and his family, not headline news that dominates the mainstream news feed for weeks.

1,143 posts

I think this problem goes far far wider than just the USA, we in Britain are obsessed with peoples personal lives, one of our most respected politicians was almost fired because of unfounded accusations of a homosexual affair, it seems most widespread in English football (soccer) players are constantly banned and managers fired for dodgy affairs in their personal lives, it can only be described as stupid and childish

145 posts

it can only be described as stupid and childish

My thoughts exactly. It's disgusting that actual lives are affected because of such trivial things and immaturity amongst the masses.
3,085 posts

People have extremely high expectations of politicians, they want their decision-makers to be perfect and without fault or lapses in judgement, personal scandals bring politicians right back down to the level of normal people - normal people whose every move is under scrutiny from those around them. Political wrongs are chalked up to bad decisions but personal wrongs are chalked up to bad decision-makers.

145 posts

Um, isn't the whole point of a republic so that we are represented equally? And so that those in our government have no more rights than us, and are equal to us? They can't be brought down to the level of normal people, if they were already supposedly there.

Again, personal decisions and political/legislative decisions are two different things. We need to learn to grow up and decide a politician's fate based on how they act as a politician.

1,143 posts

People have extremely high expectations of politicians

those people clearly aren't very knowledgeable in such areas

personal scandals bring politicians right back down to the level of normal people - normal people whose every move is under scrutiny from those around them

normal people have this, as do politicians, what normal people don't have is the entire media and population of a country mocking them

your British Avorne, remember the crap about William Hague? that almost ruined him, and turned ou to be lies
1,714 posts

We need to learn to grow up and decide a politician's fate based on how they act as a politician.[quote]

We can't do that, we would run out of people to run for office.

[quote]those people clearly aren't very knowledgeable in such areas

We should have very high expectations, they are the people who are supposed to lead us. If they aren't qualified they shouldn't have the job.
1,714 posts

Sorry for the double post, thought I should clarify that mess...

We need to learn to grow up and decide a politician's fate based on how they act as a politician.

We can't do that, we would run out of people to run for office.

those people clearly aren't very knowledgeable in such areas

We should have very high expectations, they are the people who are supposed to lead us. If they aren't qualified they shouldn't have the job.
1,143 posts

I speak from the point of view of a hardened cynic, to quote the ancient phrase:

anyone that wants to lead you isn't fit to do so

you have to pick the best of what they give you, or else run for office yourself

4,689 posts

Disregarding the jokes you can make with this guy the reason I think people turn against him is because politicians aren't put in office to sext woman their pics and online chat with them. They are put in office to do whatever the people want. When the people see he/she isn't they get mad. Also what Avorne was saying makes sense.

9,462 posts

But does sending inappropriate pictures make Weiner unfit to be a congressman?

I think it just makes it really ironic the guy's name is Weiner.

It may be because of how heavily Christian our nation is, but we seem to be prude and easily disgusted when it comes to our politician's sex lives.

This seems to be a mentality seen over all in America. One I particularly don't agree with.

People have extremely high expectations of politicians, they want their decision-makers to be perfect and without fault or lapses in judgement

Then how did we ever end up with people like Bush in office?

They are put in office to do whatever the people want.

Yeah they are suppose to be putting their weaners to the American people not the internet. (Sorry but the puns here are just too good to pass up.)
4,689 posts

Just something I forgot to add to my last post.
Also this.

608 posts

Even though people shouldn't really care what is going on with politicians lives (to a certain extent). I still think politicians should know to be a lot more careful because now the media picks up on everything.

@CommanderDude7 Those pictures are pretty funny.

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