At this thread you share: - Your most played and liked castle(s) of CTC 2 PP - Castles with much plays in a short time (TODAY), eventually estimating the castles plays at 24 hours. ATTENTION! IF YOU SHARE A CASTLE OF TODAY OR THIS WEEK IT MUST BE ABOVE THE GOAL. THE GOAL WILL BE ABOVE OF PAGE 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30... AND SO ON. - Castles at ALL TIME that have earned plays.
Val, if you post a result, would you please post our estimations with it? I'll do it for you:
GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE estimation: Val: 9390 plays and 1408 likes Me: 9393 plays and 1414 likes
Result: 9760 plays and 1437 likes Behold, the most played and liked castle forever on CtC 2 PP Nobody will break this record! It almost reached 10 000 plays! The percentage of likes: 14,72% or 1 at 6.8 people. I didn't noticed that my estimation was so close to Val's one XD But I won again! XD But still my estimation was miles of the result: 367 plays and 23 likes. I'm proud of this result, because it was my importantst castle of all I made! Only the background and foreground went wrong Let's see that your TOWER BRIDGE will be a bigger succes, Val. It's also a bridge, so...who knows
Oh, you took my first estimation? I've made another, 1 day later. At this time the rule of "1 estiamtion only" wasn't already made. So, I think it would be normal to take the 2nd. What do you think?
Oh yes! Ok, you win again But now I made the new rule, I'll maybe have a better chance to win You see what happened to me if you post to many estimations? I became crazy! XD
KIRBY EPIC SHOT! estimation: 7200 plays and 800 likes
2 hours and a half still in the top 10 at LATEST! It reached 71 plays and 15 likes when it dissapeared there and it was already half an hour at the 1st page of TODAY. After exactly 3 hours: 87 plays and 15 likes It will not reach 4000 plays, but I'm glad if it reach 3750 plays and a bit more likes than my zeppelin (500).
After 3 hours: 111 plays and 22 likes Compared to your KIRBY: 156 plays and 21 likes Compared to my ZEPPELIN: 119 plays and 20 likes I fear your bridge will not reach 4000 plays But why didn't you wait untill 11 a.m.? That's the best submithour! Otherwise your castle would reach maybe 5000 plays! Imagine that your TOWER BRIDGE was 2h and 30 minutes at LATEST, like my BALLOONS! It would have reach immediatly 100 plays (my balloons: 71).
3 GIGANTIC BALLOONS result: 3370 plays and 401 likes. I won! even the likes were almost the same! I estimated it about 13 hours ago and I was very close at the likes! Difference in plays: 266 plays. From now on we also write the number of difference with our estimations, to see who's best
And your TOWER BRIDGE will just reach 2500 plays and only 260 likes.
I think it's a bad idea to submit anything big on Sundays. Most of the creations didn't get many plays and also AG was doing some site maintenance so my creation was unavailable for 2 hours. I lost some plays because of that.
bad new: I think hat castles scores will become like before, around 800 in one day for the best. The "amazing scores" stayed for only few weeks. Best score at THIS WEEK: 363 plays. ALL TIME: 463 plays. TODAY: 1671 plays.
NUCLEAR ENERGY PYRAMID After 3 hours already in the top 10 of TODAY! A record :O It has 182 plays and only 8 likes. I fear it's too challenging for those lazy people XD But now we can see how much plays start to decrease. If it doesn't do, it will reach 5000.But today is monday, so much plays is almost impossible.
But you're right guys, the plays will very decrease. But 800 max. score as before is impossible, because it still remains on the first page of AG. Even at TODAY the goals are dramatically change: -first page: 28 plays or 3 likes! That was yesterday the score to enter the 2nd page! :O -top 10: 126 plays or 8 likes! Scores to enter the first page yesterday!!! What the hell is going on?