Why is it that in some forums, I see something like this; Something, something, something, and then like it says posted 4 months ago or 2 years ago. Like when you click on "Community", don't click anything, but just scroll down or up to see something like that "osted 4 months ago" or "osted 2 years ago".
Because the forum gets bored once in a while, and decides to see if it can piss off a mod or two by tricking a user to post in one of those long dead threads.
Sounds like you're referring to the time stamp bug the community has where an old thread is listed as the "most-recently-replied-to thread" as if it was new. It's really nothing serious to worry about, as you can always click on the forum name (Video Games, Flash Games, Support and Suggestions, etc.) and see the genuine recent threads. If you do so, the pesky bug doesn't show up that way.
It's certain that this will not be fixed, however, because the AG developers are in the midst of developing AGv3, as you may or may not be aware of.
Hope that answers your question! In short, simply click on a forum name to see the threads that are recent, instead of the pesky old threads no one likes
I have yet to fully master sarcasm. Or excitement. I can tell.
It's your fault for clicking on a thread that says "2 years ago by: ____" and posting in it. The bug only shows the thread, its the user that actually follows through.