ForumsWEPRIllegal Downloading of Music

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This is a thread for discussing the ethical, political, and legal values of music downloading.

In my opinion, the internet removed nearly all practicality of copyright infringement of music. This is why I think that soon America (and other countries such as Canada, etc.) might rid of copyright infringement of music entirely, because the internet is way too public for these laws to be enforced.

  • 33 Replies
3,139 posts

Well, to be honest if you know what your doing illegally downloading music is very, very easy. The main issue here I think is a moral one. If you download the music of your favorite artist illegally, you are essentially hurting their career. Making the music that they make takes time and it takes money, and the only way they get paid is by you purchasing their music.

Not always - If they're huge artists they get so much money for promoting products, tours, merchandise etc.

If it's a small/new band i wouldn't rip their music from YT due to moral reasons i suppose.
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