Should marijuana be legal in all 50 states for medical use? For example people with crones disease have a horrific pain and the use of marijuana helps ease the pain.
Marijuana does less damage than many of the legal drugs, not only that BUT one of the reasons why marijuana was made illegalized was because the government couldn't put a tax on it. Corruption in our nation's system is what leads to more violence. If weed was legal then less people would be involved in gangs, drug-trafficking, and many more illegal drug associated crimes.
I really wouldn't have a problem with it being legal. It really doesn't harm you that much! You can't overdose on it,because it is imposible to over doce on canabis(marijuana). Did you know you have a greater chance on overdosing on coffe then canabis?
with it being legal or not there will still be many people using it. for its good effects it helps someone be calm relieve pain and such. it's badside when you start to see stuff or other side effects only effects i think 10% of people with a set gene in them that can be tested for however it's illegal for this test to be done so you won't know if your ok to take.
making it legal you can do these tests, reduce alot of crime based on dealing and people taking unsafe cuts and ammounts. i mean if you know medically how much you alllowed you won't be taking it at harmful levels. thats not a big problem though nicotine and alchohol is actually more dangerous since that is abused more. so i see nothing wrong with that. with the ammount of people who take and want it legal they should give in to us soon or places just going to get wrose
Yes. Marijuana is not a harmful drug, and does not make you act too terribly different from when you are sober. Alcohol and cigarettes are much more harmful, and if anything should be illegal, it's them.
To be honest, illegalizing something just makes adolescents want to do it more. If it were legal, they'd probably do it a bit less.
I watched a documentary where British kids went to live with a family in Holland. They were 17 and loved the legal drinking age being 16. They went to a school there for a month and a very low percentage of kids were interested in doing weed because it was legal So your point is very valid.
The flip side was the kids experimented with class A drugs because they were illegal so perhaps legalizing would lead to a desire for a more hardcore risk?
(1997-1999) "The figures for cannabis use among the general population reveal the same pictures. The Netherlands does not differ greatly from other European countries. In contrast, a comparison with the US shows a striking difference in this area: 32.9% of Americans aged 12 and above have experience with cannabis and 5.1% have used in the past month. These figures are twice as high as those in the Netherlands."
314d1, would be right if he was in my place, since he has no friends.
and really... marijuana should obviously be legal to tax the crap out of it.
less addictive than alcohol and less harmful if vaped. 0 carcinogens when vaped. etc. yet it is illegal due to racial associations to mexicans and african americans. and it was believed to instill laziness during the vietnam war when the nation was supposed to rally behind the government. also hemp was going to be the replacement for trees for paper however the logging companies would lose a lot of money to switch from trees to hemp. (as a distributor) blah blah blah, basically marijuana >alcohol but government just hasnt bothered to legalize. /thread
314d1, would be right if he was in my place, since he has no friends.
That was rather clever, considering your inhibited mental state. Did you have your friends help you with it? Oh wait... You are lacking them, aren't you?
and really... marijuana should obviously be legal to tax the crap out of it.
So you where just spamming earlier?
Yea, I don't really buy the whole "They'd want it less if it was legal". Knowing the past of the substance, I think they'd get a hold of it more.
What do you mean "Knowing the past of the substance"?