I never knew they made a video game......
Probably because it was made for the NES, and wasn't that great of a game, even by NES standards.
Basically, in the game, you and up to three freinds go around locations on Elm Steet collecting Freddy's bones, collecting dream powers to handle different situations: Acrobat, Necromancer, and Ninja. You start awake. Eventually, though, you will fall asleep. The collors all change to blue/greens, and the enemies change. Snakes=Dogs, Men?=Skeletons, Bats=Skeleton Bats, Bees/flys=Ghosts, spikes=claws, spiders= Freddy's head with eight legs, and there are also pirhanas, but I'm unsure if they change. When you collect Freddy's bones, you can move on to the next area if you have all of them. If there isn't another segment, you fight Freddy in a form. 1st house= Freddy's claw on a chain, best with an acrobat. 2nd house= Freddy's head on a chain, which spits out toungs that will try to kill you, best with an acrobat. 3rd house=Freddy's claw, unbound, best using ninja. Junkyard=A giant bat that spawns other bats, again, ninja. Cemetary= Freddy's Ghost?, which spawns other ghosts, ninja. Haunted/Freddy's house=Freddy's Claw and Head, unbound, touges still spawning, Ninja. High School= previous bosses in a row, at the end: a final showdown with Freddy, best taken care of by a necromancer. After defeating a boss, they will drop a key, which grants an extra life to the player who grabs it, and awakens all players, allowing them to enter the next area. If you are asleep too long, a tune will fill the background. When the song ends, "Freddy(TM)'s Comming" will flash on the screen. You are warped into another room, where you will fight Freddy. His stregnth will vary depending on your location, and he summons claws from beneath the ground. When he is defeated, he leaves the room, and you get back to where you were before. You can stay awake by collecting coffee, if one falls asleep, they all do. If you fall asleep, you can wake yourself up with an alarm clock. Be sure to do it when all players are asleep, as wake players will not be fully awakened, they are still tired. If Freddy is coming, don't wait for the other players to fall asleep, wake up. If you go to the next segment, he will still find you, unless you fight a boss. When Freddy is defeated infront of the furnace, you toss in his bones. The game says that true evil will never die, though.
That just about sums it up.