ForumsThe TavernAnger: A common affliction

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5,642 posts

I'm not sure about all of you folks, but I tend to notice that I am quite quick to anger. Even when I consider myself to have very good restraint, that's all inherent in my self-esteem issues in that I don't believe I could hurt the nerdy guy with glasses and no muscle. Otherwise, I'm a complete sack of anger and angst who would, in any other circumstances, kill that person who said that I didn't look amazing in this fedora and tuxedo (and I do look good in it, you jerk).

A few weeks ago, I was driven to such anger that I punched a wall. It was the corner of a drywall and I didn't realize there'd be a painful stud right below the surface. Needless to say, I broke my knuckle for a good 3 weeks, and my pinky knuckle will always be displaced for the rest of my life. It was during the time that I lazily threw my crippled hand into a sling that I realized I have no outlet for my anger.

Most would say "Well you're okay at writing, use that ANGRAR to make a good piece!" and I would usually say that's a good idea. Until the first time I tried writing something whilst angry. I wrote a dastardly little piece called "Mother<censored> Apocalypse", about how god said "lol i hat u guyz" and then decided to have a different apocalypse for each nation.

Needless to say, it sucked. I'm ashamed to still have it on my computer, actually- there, deleted. Not only was the work that I pumped out freaking terrible, but it was also rushed and not even completed. Why? Becuase when I'm angry I don't have the mental ability to do much else besides destroy (be it things around me or myself). I don't have the required focus to even throw my fists at a punching bag.

Not to mention, the only thing that tends to put me out of a rage is substantial pain to myself. So even when punching the punching bag until there's nothing left to punch, until I'm bleeding in the fists I won't be satisfied.

"Then do other artsy things! Throw paint at a wall and call it a mural!"

First off, I hate doing that, because I never really see abstract art as anything more than colors meant to set a mood. Secondly, I still don't get the satisfaction from throwing my body around like a lunatic. Hell, when I get angry enough I tend to just let myself go into a self-induced tremor where I'd consciously shake my body around and throw my body at anything in the general vicinity in some kind of incredibly child-like tantrum.

"Uh... kill people?"
You know why this one isn't a good idea.

Too long; Didn't read
How do you cope with anger? Becuase I tend to have a whole lot of problems coping with my own emotions. Painting a smile on my face and making jokes doesn't work since it usually instigates more anger, and punching things isn't satisfying unless I'm causing harm to myself. I also don't have enough focus to do artsy things.

brb punching bears

  • 20 Replies
523 posts

I'm mainly angry when I'm losing a game, I once almost ruined my computer permanently because of my game rage. But that was like a year ago.

8,051 posts

Make fun of some thing or situation.

Go to your mother, point at her face, and yell out very fake-ly 'HAHAHA LOOK AT YOUR FACE!'. Next, run away and stuff cookies in your ears and announce that you're running for President of New York.

I'm mainly angry when I'm losing a game

The Game
237 posts

Well, I was kinda angry at my dad today for absolutely no reason at all, so o realized I should cool it and then walked off to the library. Maybe you just need some time by yourself to figure it out so you can figure out who, or what you are angry at, and focus your attention on solving that problem. I have also heard that doing other stuff, like work or homework, can calm you down. Or maybe sometimes anger is just a part if life that we must learn to cope with. Either way, I think that distracting yourself is probably the best course of action, because it tends to make you forget why you were angry.

523 posts

The Game

Lol wow, I haven't heard about the game in about a year... thought people found it old. But I was talking about video games. Heh.
5,642 posts

The Game

Oh the burninating! I haven't seen that much burnination since that time Trogdor went into the furnace where all the robots scream at you.
12,319 posts

The Game

I have its image on my profile. firetail_madness showed it to me.
529 posts

i get angry when somebody starts to mess with me or bug me and that doesnt take much to do. i only get angry in a game when somebody keeps pushing me but i do have a short tempor

3,371 posts

I get angry a lot, but I usally tend not to do anything physical. And I have a punching bag but it's an air bag. Which in my opinion is better for anger because you can punch it without hurting yoursef. You might also want to try braking things that can't hurt you. Even something like ripping paper feel good.

2,911 posts

When I'm angry, I try to get away from it and if my ipods not dead, I'll blast that and after some songs and after a while, I feel much better. But I'm usually a very mellow person, it takes quite a bit to make me ticked off.

163 posts

I'm mellow but easily ticked off. I get so frustrated, I could just something, or [url=]scream!
Sigh... only Fluttershy puts me at ease...

163 posts

(Facepalm)I'm gonna repost. Feel free to have a mod remove the original, I'm too lazy.
I'm mellow but easily ticked off. I get so frustrated, I could just kick something, or scream!
Sigh... only Fluttershy puts me at ease...

1,482 posts

i hear older people always talking about how young people are angry a lot. I think it's because we're impatient? I've noticed those who seem more patient are usually a lot more calm. I grew up as practically the only one in my house using a computer, so I always got annoyed when someone was using a much faster laptop and I was stuck on our much slower desktop, waiting for it to boot-up.
So my guess is that the more busy you are, and the less time you have to give to other things, the more issues you will notice with your own world around you and if things aren't going right you'll look towards rage over calmness.

Unless your playing an online game, then if you're sucking/people are purposely targeting you, then you can ragequit. That, though, I think, is an entirely different discussion

163 posts

I failed the posting twice. UGH.
Oi, I'll repost and add to it.
I'm mellow but easily ticked off. I get so frustrated, I could just kick something, or scream!
Anger is something that can be difficult to control. Following the advice of Fluttershy, I cover my mouth and scream as loud as I can(WAY louder than her). When in public, however, I just suppress my rage.

819 posts

Is this how you take care of your anger?
Now I went to Anger management but learned nothing. So I got a girlfriend and now I'm sort of Ok. I find that a bottle of hand lotion and well something else helps.. Just kidding that's for stress silly.

Well if your wondering why I went to Anger management well. It was either that or jail for breaking my mothers a-hole of a husbands jaw. Though no one in the family blamed me and I got 2x the presents for every holiday this year.

5,340 posts

im not quick to anger for some reason. usually, sadness replace the anger or when im being stupid i just laugh at myself instead of getting mad XD. but there are a few things that can make me really angry. racism, sexism, animal abuse (wrong word?) and people who just decide that what they know is true. but even when those happen and im angry... for some reason i just dont show it.

lol someone get mad at me BECAUSE he thought im never angry XD

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