Hi this is a war forum game where it is all one:BOB BOB is a random nothing You have to damage BOB in everyway. Example: person1:bob falls off a cliff person2:bob falls in a pit of fire person3:an explosion from the pit makes bob fly into a window and so on
Tell me if there is sumthing wrogn with this topic
.. the battle rages on for hours, and bob relizes his sickness is also a power! with one twisting punch he eliminates majjor bob and heads back to earth, hoping he finds a cure... (note: there is no cure!)
MajorBOB does a short trip to "real world" to congratulate dacer for reaching 1000 posts, and then teaches him how his name is spelled correctly.
Then, he comes back to his mission to Destroy BOB, and chases him judging by the traces of peanut butter that BOB left. Then, as he finds him, MajorBOB traps BOB under a pile of peanut butter, and uses his signature move - saying "Life is a hotdog". Then, as it is, MajorBOB takes BOB's life, eats it, and complains about lack of mustard!
Bob says his last regrets, and curls up, dieing slowly....
bob is gone for ever! only major bob remains.
major bob, knowing bob is gone FOREVER, NOTHING CAN BRING HIM BACK, NOT NO ONE, IGNORING POSTS ABOUT BOB, think his life is a void, and invites people to hurt him, he starts walking down the street when...
BOB Jr. comes and attacks him with a banana. BOB Jr. is mad because Major BOB killed his dad. Then Major BOB goes to his house, finding BOB Jr. in his fridge doing...
Bob Jr. goes back in time. Very far back. So far back that Bob is still alive and never died. Then Bob is shot by angry members of AG that anticipated the loophole, Bob escapes but then....