Hi this is a war forum game where it is all one:BOB BOB is a random nothing You have to damage BOB in everyway. Example: person1:bob falls off a cliff person2:bob falls in a pit of fire person3:an explosion from the pit makes bob fly into a window and so on
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his pieces go flying hundreds of miles west, where they land in a family stew. The family is about to eat the stew (and absorb bob). They eat the stew, and now...
24 black op sniper teams, a unit of delta force, and a revitalized corpse of Bob Marley, lay siege to MajorBOB's base. After several pain staking hours and a couple team killing incidents, they realize he isn't there. They attempt to chase him but then...
...gets cancer yet again! but this time there is nothing at all that can suck out his cancer, cure it, get rid of it no matter what bob will die, no paradox shit....
lucky for bob, the cancer test was a false positive! Thankful that he doesnt have cancer, he walks out the building. Suprisingly, the door he walked out of was 20 stories in the air. Bob then falls when...