It's tiring and disappointing to see so many people here call this a failure of the justice system and not justice at all (I'm looking at you, Wolf). It was not any of those things. There was not enough evidence to convict and sentence her for 1st degree murder - and no matter how "obvious" it was that she did it, she still has rights despite being on trial for murder and if there is reasonable doubt, it is simply wrong to convict her, whether she seems guilty or not.
You'd think people learned nothing from the Simpson trial, and you'd probably be right. It's the same thing all over again - the court system worked pretty much exactly as it's intended to. If evidence had been presented that removed reasonable doubt in the mind of the jury, a conviction would have followed. You may not agree with the outcome but because we offer protections to our citizens from being unlawfully penalized it is quite possible to be found not guilty in a court of law regardless of how guilty you may actually be. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything but we're lucky enough to have a reasonable enough society that the accuser does actually have to provide some proof at some point or the accusations remain just that.
On a related note, I find it hard to believe that Casey Anthony is the only mother to face charges related to the death of a child in the entire United States in the last few years. Why isn't everyone so interested in how all those other trials turned out? Not that I can actually cite cases, I'm just saying it's unlikely she's the only one.
Every single time a news station is on I see some horrid incident being showcased. I've read a few articles about druggy mothers nuking their children in the microwave. I've seen several cases on the news where some guy picks up a random 5 year old off of the sidewalk and has his way with them and then dismembers them... and then throws the remains in a suitcase and then that suitcase into a dumpster. Most people who pay attention to the news at all have seen such things almost daily. I've seen some of those during the time the Anthony trial took place. I would think that most people are fairly certain that these criminals are going to receive justice. If there's no "reasonable doubt" that this supposed criminal is going to escape jail time and/or death, then there isn't much reason to pay attention. It's part of the mystery of not knowing with 100% certainty that holds some if not most or all people's attention.
Aside from demographics and lifestyles, I think the news networks choose the cases where the general consensus of the populous is a damming conviction, but there is still the very real possibility that they will escape conviction. This is because these news stations are businesses. These people have to feed their children and provide for their families just like all of the people without press related jobs. The only way you'll get away from that is if you limit them to gov't funding and gov't funding alone. ...and I think that's just kinda maybe sorta unconstitutional. I mean talk about being "free" yet the gov't forces you to live down to whatever lifestyle (if you live within your means) they choose... with you having no way of getting out of it aside from changing occupations... then you wouldn't have anyone in the news at all.
Look, what she did or did not do is in the past, and we should just let it drop. The Caylee law will soon come into effect, and Casey is getting sued for 100,000 dollars for making people search when she already knew where Caylee was.
I haven't been watching tv hardly at all for the last few days... explain the "Caylee" law please.
In essence, it requires parents to report their children missing to the authorities within a certain time frame of having not seen them, or when they have reasonable belief that their child is in danger, on penalty of monetary fines.
It's sad that we have to make a law like that in the first place. I mean the only real reasons for not doing it is if you're sociopathic or you're the one who killed the kid and dumped the body...
It's sad that we have to make a law like that in the first place. I mean the only real reasons for not doing it is if you're sociopathic or you're the one who killed the kid and dumped the body...
Not necessarily. Some parents neglect their children to that extent, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are sociopaths or that they are responsible for the death of the child. In addition, this law does extend beyond murder cases, despite what its origin may lead one to believe.
It'll be tough to prove that the parent was aware their child was missing like if they left the child with someone they thought was responsible for a week (but perhaps has occasional seizures that cause then to do bad things and forget about them, or maybe they're secretly a serial killer), and the kid goes missing is say "I dropped the kid off back at his/her parent's house" and it becomes the parent's problem.
shes a woman and shes white. thats the only reason she got away with it.
That statement is completely unfounded by evidence. The jury said that they wanted to convict her, but they did not let their emotions play a part in deciding a verdict. Please think before you spread your mindless hatred and racism.
Apparently there's a video of her drinking beer and laughing after she got off of a private jet after she was released from jail. For some reason the media is still following her. Some news stations are offering her $1.5 million to give an interview.
theres a lot of things wrong with what happened. she lied to court, and would not have gotten away with it if she told the truth, and only got sentenced 4 years for it. also the 12 who decided had to be unanimous in their desicion and all twelve said she was innocent