Societies based on the constant accumulation of capital and commodities via competition always result in this general way; they result in the exploitation of the many by the few.
Watch this.These happenings are natural. We cannot necessarily control the laws of necessity which cause them to happen, but we can manipulate them with our understanding of them for the benefit of everyone, just as understanding science gives us power over nature, although we cannot change the laws of nature.
I am an atheist. I do not believe in an all knowing entity.
The government is not, and never will be, an all knowing entity.
Scientists are not gods themselves either. Scientists can come to a number of conclusions, but economics is more than science, it is also philosophy. Unless we can predict every single flood, drought, hurricane, and other disasters both man made and natural, scientists will never have enough foresight to create an economy solely based off of science.
I'm not saying science isn't important when it comes to economics, quite the opposite, but science alone can not control an economy.
An economy where people control the means of gathering and distributing resources in the name of mankind is conceivable. But you cannot expect the people living in the context of our present society being able to function in some communist or socialist utopia, much less a resource economy. What you'd need is a population that is generally intelligent and have intellectually, and voluntarily, accepted the idea that if resources were used for the good of the community in which they live in, that if the ruling classes no longer had power over their lives, then their individual self interests will be satisfied and they will therefore be happier and better individuals, not to mention more free individuals. This type of a mentality in a population can only be done through slow evolution from the one in which we have established now.
The problem is that we keep assuming there's a good and evil, someone who wants to give and someone who wants to take. This is not always the situation. More often than not, when two people don't get along, it's not because one is greedy and the other isn't. No, they both believe they know what is best for themselves and/or others. "Doing what's best for society" isn't necessarily clear. Some of us believe the answer to best serving humanity is to live in a state where we all are forced to get along through government coercion, while others believe we must break free from government and live in a world of anarchy, where we all choose who we wish to watch out for and who we do not wish to watch out for.
An economy where people control the means of gathering and distributing resources in the name of mankind is conceivable.
For people to control the means of gathering and distribution, you must allow them to act out as individuals (in a free market). By having a government that creates rules and guidelines as to what can and can not be traded, what is legal tender, what prices should be, and what deals may be made between two human beings, then the economy is anything but controlled by the people.
A free market, a TRULY free market, is the only way a person can have full control over their own resources. We live in a corporatist society where the government is big enough to get involved with the market, which allows them to cater to big businesses by creating laws that seem like they will benefit society, when all they really do is wipe out the competition for the big pigs.
individualist satisfaction at the expense of other people in society.
I'm a very giving person. I have learned the hard way that you can't give too much or you become drained and miserable. Not only that, but everyone is different when it comes to giving. Some people feel good when they give a lot, while others feel used. This is why I believe in individualism, because we choose who we help, how much we help, and when we want to help. By forcing everyone to "give", we limit the amount of happiness people may achieve. Not all of us are comfortable helping the people that the government helps, or are happy with the amount we are forced to give, or when we are forced to give.
Individualism allows people to socialize with whomever they want, when they want, and to make whatever deals they want. People may be as greedy or selfless as they want. Some people may give to their society, some people may not. There are people of many different colors who will mix and match in many different ways.
Collectivism forces everyone to "help" each other by means of coercion. If you aren't happy "helping" someone else by giving up your hard earned pay, you are punished. By the end of the day, you have less money to support yourself and/or the ones you love. No matter what color a person is, they must act as one. Everyone must be the same without the option to try something different.