ForumsWEPRSouth Sudan, a new nation.

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3,139 posts

As of July 9th the Republic of South Sudan will become the world's newest nation state.

Good? Bad?

My view is it's great for the people who wanted it, but creating a new nation state entails so much work, that it'll take quite a lot to make them feel this freedom.

  • 25 Replies
3,139 posts

Why must they fight? It started over the holy land, now they fight over everything. The Crusades have long been over, why do they still kill each other mindlessly?

They fight over religion, ethnicity and the economy (The causes of their civil wars)

But you're right, they don't need to fight over every little thing, so hopefully independence will help this, as the south disagreed with northern politics.
26,677 posts

But you're right, they don't need to fight over every little thing, so hopefully independence will help this, as the south disagreed with northern politics.

Leaving England's control has never really ended peacefully unless England ended it for you. The fights of the Irish and the war of 1812 should be proof enough.
3,139 posts

Leaving England's control has never really ended peacefully unless England ended it for you. The fights of the Irish and the war of 1812 should be proof enough.

I live in Ireland - the problem here is not solely England, religion has a lot of influence too.
322 posts

Ofc they don't need to fight. The thing is little problems in Africa that could be solved with diplomacy quickly turn to combat. In the recent years this fenomina decreased but again, is still here. Tanzaria may be different then Sudan for the better but look into some history, it also has its share of combat and massacres.
Sudan has done everything possible to show its incapable of holding both religions peaceful to each other, this is the best way out. The world can't be one big country you know, some people just don't get along with each other.

8,257 posts

I think the religious troubles in Sudan have mainly to do with the geographical separation and lack of contact.
Also different religions indead can get along if they are mixed enough and informed and, most importantly, educated enough. I witness the same problem even in my country; neighbours of muslim communities in cities and bigger villages get along pretty well and have less prejudices than the farmers and small villages in isolated regions of the country who barely get in touch with any foreigner or muslim at all. And Switzerland is a tiny country compared to Sudan.

5,129 posts

good for them. they have been in civil war so many times. from now on when they get in war it's a nation war. to bad usa will come from now on to bomb 1 of the 2.

5,129 posts

It is possible for two religions to coexist in one place.

have you been following what happens in sudan?
if you did you whold have not come up whit the stupid comment that they can coexist in sudan. life on earth is not the same evrywhere. the UK is not a standard for the rest of the world.
1,482 posts

The answer simply lies in the fact that the area we're discussing in Africa.
If you ask anyone about what continent got it's butt kicked in history, they're going to say Africa. I bet even if you asked them what country got its butt kicked, they'll say Africa.

A country/nation is one that is formed by a bunch of people, which commonalities such as goals, religion, ethnicity, language, etc.
African countries are just cut-outs from the Berlin conference, they don't have any sort of meaning, such as countries in other areas of the world, such as France, Germany, or areas of Russia. They don't pertain to the sense of a 'homeland'.

So if you look at Sudan, there's no river that their culture or people share [Like, for example, Egypt], the country lacks a sense of unity because of it's jagged geography and multitude of African tribes and different people that have found it hard to assimilate. Due to this, the laws of the country don't fully help everyone, and the leaders, whether elected democratically or not, are too disconnected by some people within the country to serve for all of them.

As such, the Arabic-Speaking North, with a common religion and language controls the area, and the Southern section of the country lacks any control over their area, resulting in serious neglect -- with the area being flooded by Christians and a huge number of indigenous groups with their own religion and beliefs. Without any real infrastructure or water source, the place isn't too hot anyway.
So... the split makes sense, whereas unity leads to conflict because you have two distinct groups of peoples [Arabic speaking Muslims vs. Non-Arabic speaking Christians and others] who are united through their nation yet literally do not occupy the same area.
So it's not really them co-existing, one side is literally not receiving the respect or interest it deserves as a part of the nation due to the bias of the countries leaders.

The only real issue with it all is the oil. I'd even go so far as to say, by looking at South Sudan's state, is that the North would easily let the territory go. Yet, the oil of Sudan is located in fields in the south, which is extracted by companies and pipelines of the North, and as such, is a continuous problem. Then again, where isn't oil an issue?

I think South Sudan will spring up, but it will take a lot for it to get on its feet, and I have no idea how long it will be until North Sudan has a serious issue with the South, either through use of dams on the Nile, religion, or oil.

12 posts

I find it good because then native africans can have their own country and government. Another reason is where south sudan is there is alot of oil and the white people where taking it from them but now they can choose who gets it.

3,139 posts

It is possible for two religions to coexist in one place.

have you been following what happens in sudan?
if you did you whold have not come up whit the stupid comment that they can coexist in sudan. life on earth is not the same evrywhere. the UK is not a standard for the rest of the world.

Yes, i have, and i'm well travlled enough to just laugh at your second statement towards me.

Regardless of their fighting, not 100% of the citizens are divided by religion - my logic for every argument like this is "Do you know every single person in Sudan?" No, so you wouldn't know either.

My thinking is that in every place, regardless of religious warfare, there's bound to be one Muslim who does the "unthinkable" and married a Christian - now if more and more people "rebelled" as such, it would become more the norm.
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