Can't make a very good one on a flash engine, on Java you can make better ...runescape for instance isn't too bad a s an rpg or MMO cuz its like the most popular but a 2d MMORPG could be very good if i has alot of player and the features from other games
Guys, keep dreaming. Like Dank said, you have NO idea how much time and work this would take. A small Massive online game takes at minumim 5 years to make at Least.
Also, you must have testers to make sure the game runs smoothly. Just one little glitch, and you have to poke around through code all day. If you guys can make one, I applaud you. If you can't, We told you guys. :P
It may be possible, armor games already has a couple "live" capable games (online games were you play with other people across the world) I think if they have the capability to do that but it may take a little too much and and too much hard work but yes an MMORPG would be a nice feature to armor games also I don't think flash could handle millions/thousands of people playing on one flash game all together on the same server it would be a gaming disaster, it would probably crash armor games altogether haha, Armor Games would be no more, =( that would upset me.