A looooooooooong time ago, on the very first forum, a forum regular asked me to make a big 'Armor Online' game RPG thing. I agreed and soon we had 4 people in it. It never went anywhere beyond our imaginations, and a the new site we constructed. Now me and Chad are the two left of the whole thing and now we run and develop games at flak-games.com, the site we set up for the whole RPG game. Anyway, the reason it never went anywhere was because real-time multi-player games just wont work right in Flash. Flash isn't made to transfer real-time data and it wasn't meant to be used to make games.
I think we should make one it would be fun and points could be given for killing 3 people in a row like there could be classes and weapons spells monsters and pvp if some one made this they should get 20000 points because of all the time and effort for making MMORPG
there should be one. i for one have no idea about the game making process like how long it would take and ect. but BOTS is a great game except for the fact that you have to download it and that takes forever. Check it out at bots.acclaim.com, it should be simple like maid marians game called Sheerwood. Check it out at Maidmarian.com
I don't think that there should be one, it would make the other games seem very little and overall the site wouldn't be as active I think. If that happenned the developers of regular flash games wouldn't get as much credit because it would be nowhere near the quality of the mmorpg no matter how good it is. If you want an mmorpg that is midevil themed check out runescape (I don't play but I know its got a midevil theme)