can admin delete my profile?or i will write wrong e-mail.
how can i delete?
Leave a comment on Justin's profile. He'll give you his email, then you send him an email with the email associated with your account.
i want know.if i will not enter there in 30 days, it would be delete??
it can be timeout???
Well, I don't think that your account will be deleted if you're not on-line for long.
Your account doesn't get deleted, it will never time out. You can request a permanent ban, that's it.Two options:1. Request a permanent ban.2. Don't sign into your account. However, it will not get deleted if you don't sign in, it'll just be there.
if admin give permanent ban me, you can see my messages and profile.
For a week, probably. But it'll soon redirect to a 404 page after the cache refreshes. Only moderators and administrators can see banned profiles.
Thanks for the help GhostOfMatrix!
Tip: It will save AG a bit of computer memory to delete permenently banned accounts.
No can do Rosemary. We gotta keep those. I think the computer memory is just fine, by the way
It will save AG a bit of computer memory to delete permenently banned accounts.
so...what can i do now?
You may send a message to Justin via email so he can disable your account. Or you can just leave Armor Games without getting your account disabled.
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