ForumsForum GamesPersonal planet (see page 38)

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2,515 posts

In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.

Name of planet:
Name of star:
Distance from starclose,near,far)
Status of life:none

that eill be your template fill in all the blanks
every time you post you need your template.
you will post your events and i will reply your outcome

  • 576 Replies
2,515 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten? is that a metal?
Core status: stan still
Temp: molten
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
( chose what kind of gas.)
Status of life: none

372 posts

it is in it's pure form added with anything else no but my planets core is pure tungsten well at least according to the net tungsten's a metal

372 posts

oh yeah it has high melting temperatures and I double checked it is a metal

372 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten? is that a metal?
Core status: stan still
Temp: molten
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
High amount of Oxygen (60%) low amount of nitrogen(18%) low amount of Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
Status of life: none

372 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten? is that a metal?
Core status: stan still
Temp: molten
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
High amount of Oxygen (60%) low amount of nitrogen(18%) low amount of Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
Status of life: none

I continue pounding the surface with asteroids until life is found in any (all asteroids still have high amount of O3)

372 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: stan still
Temp: molten
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
High amount of Oxygen (60%) low amount of nitrogen(18%) low amount of Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
Status of life: none

if I can change the orbit I push the planet backwards while decreasing the speed of planet so that it stays in orbit around the sun. If I cant I try to make a moon to orbit around the planet and try to increase the strength of the ozone layer and start cooling the planet by creating large winds and pulling down ice asteroids to crash on the planet. The inner core is solid and the outer core liquid. I rotate the molten core to create a magnetic field as well and try to get low deposits of radioactive minerals under the surface and large amounts of oil and carbon under the surface as well. Thanks and please tell me if I cant do any of these things I'll try to change it

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten? is that a metal?
Core status:slow spin
Temp: Extremely hot
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
Status of life: none

you do not have the requirements to have life.

1,328 posts

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Very advanced Hupans
Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:2
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced)
Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.)
Moon: Alpha b.(heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none

well the i ask bicola to teach me everything. kinda odd.. i am ery advanced but dont know what a Gun is...

2,515 posts

srry forget that... i didnt see your last posts...

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: stan still
Temp: molten
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large lakes
Status of life: singled cells
Moon status
moon name:
moon type:
orbit type give)
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none

372 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: stan still
Temp: molten
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large lakes
Status of life: singled cells
Moon status
moon name: Levithan
moon type: what types can I have
orbit type: Diagonal orbit?
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none

I attempt to cool down the planet even further using ice asteroids and making them hit the lakes and increase water level. I attempt to make another smaller moon around the planet. I increase the water level in an attempt to create oceans. I attempt to further increase the intelligence of the single cell organisms by changing their DNA to allow them to mutate faster (I dont know if that is possible) if that isn't allowed I bring down a few radioactive minerals and cause them to be found a little bit under the surface

1,715 posts

Name of planet: Colona
Type: rocky
Distance from star: close enough for life
Temp: Temperate
Seasons: 5
Status of life: ascended energy lifeforms
Atmosphere statusxygen/carbon normal
Water status: coral reefs, many fish, large crabs
Land status: mountains forest lakes, waterfalls
Federations: 2 work fine together they never fight.
Defense: ultimate
Resource: 100,000,000.
Religion: 100% Science
Name of star: Orion
Distance from planet: life range
Current Age: 7.3 billion years old
Total Population:
Colona population: 9,967,897,987
Prometheus population: 767,756,434
Alpha I population: 123,877,242
Alpha II population: 267,342,145
Ural population: 8,215,969,428
Centra Population: 1,673,264,782
Ventura 1 Population: 10,100
Ventura 2 population: 26,323
Ventura 3 Population: 13,164
Vector Population: 4,646
--------------------Occupied planets--------------------
Ural - an active sister planet used for storing our massive population. it acts like a second home world.
Status: active
Stargate: active
Occupation: space. (overcrowded at home world)

Colona moon Alpha I - stripped of it's resources long ago, this barren planet is of no use to us, accept for the small distance given to the total for out long range sensors.
Status: active
Stargate: active
Occupation: science center

Colona moon Alpha II - just as alpha I, Alpha II is a barren wasteland, only used for emergency purposes, as it has emergency equipment on it.
Status: inactive
Stargate: active
Occupation: emergency supplies center
Prometheus - a planet used to store all of our knowledge and wisdom, it is a safe planet in a safe system, and no one knows where it is.
Status: active
Stargate: active
Occupation: safe house

Ventura 1 - one of the 3 defense bases, it acts as a triangular defense system, guarding our home world from impending attack.
Status: active
Stargate: active
Occupation: defense base

Ventura 2 - one of the 3 defense bases, it acts as a triangular defense system, guarding our home world from impending attack.
Status: active
Stargate: active
Occupation: defense base

Ventura 3 - one of the 3 defense bases, it acts as a triangular defense system, guarding our home world from impending attack.
Status: active
Stargate: active
Occupation: defense base

Vector - our main offense base, this planet is very close to our home world, and is a very reliable and eligible source to coordinate our attacks.
Status: active
Stargate: active
Occupation: offense base/huge armory

CC-1, CC-2, CC-3 - our 3 mining bases, they provide us with the resources necessary to run our massive army. they are heavily guarded, and are close to our main base so that we can easily and hurriedly get to more resources.
Status: active (all)
Stargate: active (all)
Occupation: mining base (all)
Protects clipboard:
a helping hand - help LEAPretard with getting set up as an ascended race (defenses, technology, ect.)PG:50, 1st post

[quote=LEAP]well the i ask bicola to teach me everything. kinda odd.. i am ery advanced but dont know what a Gun is...[/quote]

well, actually you know more than you think. you know how to shape shift a planet, beam people aboard ships, make ships, ect. you just don't have the equipment :P.

we will supply you with our top-of-the-line ships (10 total), advanced defenses, 1,000,000 adv. troops, and the resources to make thriving economy and land. when you finish, you won't be that far from me!

[new science project]

372 posts

lol I feel so far behind I'm still on single celled organisms

372 posts

Wood - Serf


Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: stan still
Temp: molten
Type: Rocky
Land status: sandy
Atmosohere status:thin Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large lakes
Status of life: singled cells
Moon status
moon name: Levithan
moon type: what types can I have
orbit type: Diagonal orbit?
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none

along with my last post about radioactive metals I attempt to create the water cycle on the moon by crashing ice asteroids in the moon. I also try to increase the thickness of the ozone layer on the planet and attempt to create the poles in which the temperature is low enough for water to remain as ice.

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere)
Temp: Very hot.
Land status:Sandy,Mountains
Atmosohere status:Med Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large seas
Status of life: Multicelled organisims
Moon status
moon name: Levithan
moon type: crater, molten,early earth; comet in orbit you could come up with one.
orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none
Moon status
moon name:
moon type: crater, molten,early earth; comet in orbit you could come up with one.
orbit type:
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.41AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Very advanced Hupans
Population: 3,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:19
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced), tech skip.
Religion: the acients
Complete projects:
Moon: Alpha b.(heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none
army: give names and detail.

Showing 466-480 of 576