ForumsForum GamesPersonal planet (see page 38)

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2,515 posts

In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.

Name of planet:
Name of star:
Distance from starclose,near,far)
Status of life:none

that eill be your template fill in all the blanks
every time you post you need your template.
you will post your events and i will reply your outcome

  • 576 Replies
259 posts

Name of planet: Akaruzara
Name of star: Zamaruk
Distance from star: Close enough to sustain life
Temp: Frozen
Type: Rocky
Status of life:none
Events; i grow a volcano at both poles to warm up the planet

1,715 posts

LEAP, you've got all the resources. may your civilization live long!

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Akaruzara
Name of star: Zamaruk
Distance from star: Close enough to sustain life
Core type what kind of metal( yo can make one up!
Core Status:stand still
Temp: Extremely cold
Type: Rocky
Land type: Volanic
Atmosphere:Volcanic smoke
Status of life:none
Events; i grow a volcano at both poles to warm up the planet

259 posts

Name of planet: Akaruzara
Name of star: Zamaruk
Distance from star: Close enough to sustain life
Core type what kind of metal( yo can make one up!
Core Status:stand still
Temp: Extremely cold
Type: Rocky
Land type: Volanic
Atmosphere:Volcanic smoke
Status of life:none
Events; I make the volcanoes erupt till the tempuratur in cool

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Akaruzara
Name of star: Zamaruk
Distance from star: Close enough to sustain life
Core type what kind of metal( yo can make one up!
Core Status:stand still
Temp: Tropical
Ocean: ocean planet w? small islands
Type: Rocky
Land type: Volanic
Atmosphere:thick Volcanic smoke
Status of life:none

259 posts

Name of planet: Akaruzara
Name of star: Zamaruk
Distance from star: Close enough to sustain life
Core type: steel
Core Status:stand still
Temp: Tropical
Ocean: ocean planet w? small islands
Type: Rocky
Land type: Volanic
Atmosphere:thick Volcanic smoke
Status of life:none
i stop the volcanoes and turn them into mountains

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Akaruzara
Name of star: Zamaruk
Distance from star: Close enough to sustain life
Core type: Steel
Core Status:Slow turn rightTemp: Tropical
Ocean: ocean planet
Type: Rocky
Land type: small islands
Atmosphere:thick Volcanic smoke( black skys, smokey air...
Status of life:none

372 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere)
Temp: Very hot.
Land status:Sandy,Mountains
Atmosohere status:Med Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large seas
Status of life: Multicelled organisims
Moon status
moon name: Levithan
moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical
orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none
Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet)
Size: Large
Moon status
moon name: Delanar
moon type: Early Earth
orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none
Porpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet)
Size: Large

I attempt to create a water cycle on early earth by crashing ice asteroids (with no life) into the Delanar.
I cool down Gazimeir further by creating large winds to cool down the planet and use the moons to create high and low tide I create continents throughout Gazimeir at random positions by increasing the altitude of the surface and taking sand from the large seas creating deeper sea's but land at other parts of the planet. I take a little water and freeze it at the poles of the planet as to decrease the water level. I create small meteor showers with small ice asteroids falling into the ocean.
I crash asteroids containing high amounts of minerals and that are rich in carbon onto the surface of Levithan, and leaving the crystals on the surface of the planet.

5,365 posts

Name of planet: Melekh
Name of star: Chemosh
Distance from star: Near
Temp: Frozen
Type: Rocky
Status of life:none
Events: A group of asteroids strike the planet, and warm it up.

Is this good, Omnihero?

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere)
Temp: hot
Land status:Sandy,Mountains
Atmosohere status:Med Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large seas
Status of life: Fish and incests
Moon status
moon name: Levithan
moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical
orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none
Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet)
Size: Large
Moon status
moon name: Delanar
moon type: Early Earth
orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet
Land status:Rocky
ocean status: large puddles
life status:none
Porpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet)
Size: Large

5,365 posts

Hey Omnihero, I posted, but you missed me. This is good, right?

Name of planet: Melekh
Name of star: Chemosh
Distance from star: Near
Temp: Frozen
Type: Rocky
Status of life:none
Events: A group of asteroids strike the planet, and warm it up.

372 posts

Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere)
Temp: hot
Land status:Sandy,Mountains
Atmosohere status:Med Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large seas
Status of life: Fish and insects
Moon status
moon name: Levithan
moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical
orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none
Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet)
Size: Large
Moon status
moon name: Delanar
moon type: Early Earth
orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet
Land status:Rocky
ocean status: large puddles
life status:none
Porpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet)
Size: Large

I make meteor showers in Delanar that is completly random in composition but I add a few that is high in O3 to change the surface to gravel or dirt.
I change the surface of the continents in Gazimeir to dirt from sand and only keeping sand near the coast of these continents. Insects are formed after plants so I attempt to increase the number of land and sea plants by ensuring they get enough nutrients and water and sunlight to survive as well as the air they consume this in turn increases the oxygen amount so that a stronger ozone layer can be created. I presurize carbon to very high degrees at random positions in the earth creating diamonds. I create a large meteor shower that has a large number of precious minerals and is rich in resources (carbon, uranium, plutonium, silicon etc.)
On Levithan I try to place crystals and resources on the surface making it rich in resources.

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Melekh
Name of star: Chemosh
Distance from star: Near( you cant be near and frozen)
Temp: Molten
Type: Rocky
Status of life:none
Events: and well good you seem to know what to do but okay...


Name of planet: Gazimeir
Name of star: Daztaer
Distance from star:.9 AU
Core type: Tungsten
Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere)
Temp: hot
Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts
Atmosohere status:Med Ozone
Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%)
ocean status: Large seas
Status of life: Fish and incets, crawlers
Dimonds: 1000 deposits
iron: 10000 depots
Copper: 100000 depots
urainum: 100 depots
plutoinum: 1000000: depots ( very use ful

Moon status
moon name: Levithan
moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical
orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet
Land status:none
ocean status:none
life status:none
Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet)
Size: Large
Recorces: Proton Crystils
Moon status
moon name: Delanar
moon type: Early Earth
orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet
Land status: sandy
ocean status: large Lakes
life status: simgle cellec organisims
Porpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet)
Size: Large

5,365 posts

Got it, sorry.

Name of planet: Melekh
Name of star: Chemosh
Distance from star: Near
Temp: Molten
Type: Rocky
Status of life:none
Events: I send a frozen comet rich in oxygen and nitrogen to cool the planet and add an atmosphere.

2,515 posts

Name of planet: Melekh
Name of star: Chemosh
Distance from star: Near
Core typr:What kind or metal
Core status:Stand still
Temp: Molten
Type: Rocky
atmosphere add gas percentage)
land: Smoth mounds
ocean: Gigantic puddles
Status of life:none

Showing 481-495 of 576