For those of you that don't know a rock scream is a scream belted out by the singer of a band during a climax or high part of a song usually resulting in jumping up and down by fans or fireworks going off. Nowadays not to many modern bands scream, I would say in all consideration the only bands I can think of nowadays that scream are Weezer and Green Day, but back when a scream was popular I think the who have the gold on that, what do you guys think and can you think of any other modern rock bands that still scream?
Yeah, exactly that. It's also in several of their other popular songs, like Striken. That's the only other one I can think of at the moment.
What Disturbed does is not growling...growling is what Lamb of God or Children of Bodom do for example...well by my definition of 'scream' in music I would say Lamb of God does great screams (in addition to epic growling) and Die Apokalyptischen Reiter (German).
I know what growling is, I just don't know what to call that thing that Disturbed will do every now and then. And growling, as of right now, is the best definition for it.
What Disturbed does is not growling...growling is what Lamb of God or Children of Bodom do for example...well by my definition of 'scream' in music I would say Lamb of God does great screams (in addition to epic growling) and Die Apokalyptischen Reiter (German).
i have to take tutles side here, Disturbed does growl
I completely forgot about the scream that Slayer does in Angel of Death. Fast forward it to about 20 seconds. It's not the best or the longest scream, but he hits a pretty high note.
I completely forgot about the scream that Slayer does in Angel of Death. Fast forward it to about 20 seconds. It's not the best or the longest scream, but he hits a pretty high note.
Wow! At first I thought it was an electric guitar, then I realized it was a voice.
Wow! At first I thought it was an electric guitar, then I realized it was a voice.
I thought the exact same thing.
Another one is in Cowboys From Hell by Pantera. It's a good way through the song. It's not as good as in Angel of Death, but it still sounds pretty cool.