For those of you that don't know a rock scream is a scream belted out by the singer of a band during a climax or high part of a song usually resulting in jumping up and down by fans or fireworks going off. Nowadays not to many modern bands scream, I would say in all consideration the only bands I can think of nowadays that scream are Weezer and Green Day, but back when a scream was popular I think the who have the gold on that, what do you guys think and can you think of any other modern rock bands that still scream?
I think this is pretty good. (Skip to like 2:16 to the scream and this too skip to like 4:45 for the one scream by the guitarist and then a few seconds later one by the bassist.
Another one is in Cowboys From Hell by Pantera. It's a good way through the song. It's not as good as in Angel of Death, but it still sounds pretty cool.
Oh my god... That one makes my stomach churn. It's unbelievable.
I think this is pretty good. (Skip to like 2:16 to the scream and this too skip to like 4:45 for the one scream by the guitarist and then a few seconds later one by the bassist
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? If it's a good thing, glad you liked it.
First off, I've known about the song for years, just wanted to say that for some reason, but it's a good thing. I love those kinds of screams. Another one kinda like that was the one I posted on the first or second page of All That Remains.
I like that song by them. I used to be really into that band and bought literally all of their music. But that was some years ago and I've almost grown completely out of them, now. But I still have all of their stuff on my ipod because occasionally I have the urge to listen to bands like that. I just put some Korn on my ipod recently because I felt the urge to listen to Coming Undone.
But if you like that one you've probably heard the ones in This Love and Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills by Pantera. *WARNING* Playing Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills around someone who has a girlfriend could possibly get you punched in the face.
in bandits of the acoustic revolution/streetlight manifestos "heres to life" when kalnoky just shouts, "heres to LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE" its pretty epic