Id say Bellatrix Lestrange from the Harry Potter series
The Joker from The Dark Night.
Mr. Chairman from Looney Tunes Back In Action. One of the most wacky and creepy villians I've seen.
Jason vorhees
Topher Grace in Spider Man 3 as the Green Goblin's son.
Definitely Joker from the Dark Knight. He's just so insane
Ya Jokers prettty insane
Joker wins, it's the only time I've ever looked at an actor and thought, "He's actually insane." That was by far one of the best villains every portrayed.
Actually, im gonna go with General Gevious from Star Wars
Definitely the joker. I mean he is a creepy guy.
What do you mean by best? like most evil, coolest, what?For most evil: Lord Voldemort (Muggle Genocide attempt)Coolest: Dementors (not really a villain but still really cool)
Judge Doom.
the joker from the dark knight is one of, if not, the scariest movie villain i've seen
surprised at how many harry potter characters... dmentors are pretty sick tho
dmentors are pretty sick tho
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