I recently seem to have the problem that on a nearly daily basis my save files are gone. I am using Chrome, but have never really had this problem before. However I constantly lose my saves in Cursed Treasure, Learn to Fly 2 and even more worrisome in Crush the Castle TD (which is supposed to be cloud based). I wanted to bring this to the attention of AG as it is a serious concern for many users as I can regularly see from the comments.
ps. Why on earth is Amateur Surgeon 2 still bugged? Is that ever going to be solved?
Same has happened to me: Cyclomaniacs, Learn to Fly 2, Get Off My Lawn, and Sonny 2 have deleted all my save data. I thought it had something to do with my cache being cleared, but it seems this is more widespread than that.
If you clear your cookies from your web browser of if you use something like CCleaner to clear them, you'll lose your save files. If you are using CCleaner to clean things out, be sure to uncheck the "Cookies" under "Cleaner". Under "Cleaner" uncheck the cookies that are in the "Windows" and "Applications" tabs. After that, go to "Options" > "Cookies" > then put the cookies that are on Armor Games to the "Cookies to Keep" section.
Why on earth is Amateur Surgeon 2 still bugged?
Bugged as in something happening within the game? Well, that isn't AG's problem since they didn't submit the game. Your best bet is to leave a comment on the developer's profile.
If you clear your cookies from your web browser of if you use something like CCleaner to clear them, you'll lose your save files. If you are using CCleaner to clean things out, be sure to uncheck the "Cookies" under "Cleaner". Under "Cleaner" uncheck the cookies that are in the "Windows" and "Applications" tabs. After that, go to "Options" > "Cookies" > then put the cookies that are on Armor Games to the "Cookies to Keep" section.
Sadly it's beyond that. Still deletes save progress.
It could possibly be your IP address. Some ISP (internet service providers) have a system that assigns you a random new IP address every time you log on the internet. This could possibly be your problem.
It's happening recently with all the games I play on AG. Most recently The Last Stand: Union City. Pretty frustrating. I'm on IE. Cookies enabled, should be saving but it's not.
If it's a Chrome issue, that would be irritating because I can't stand IE and Firefox slows everything down so much I might as well not play.
I use Safari as my browser, I haven't had any problems with it maybe try it. Be warned though if you don't go to a website in like 1 month it deletes it from your history. _____________________________________________________________________
Now I'm on Safari, I haven't had this problem (if I did I can't remember). But every save file is fine and just where I left off. So try Safari it works great and is fast and quick (unless the page is super super big).
This seems like a severe technical or even physical problem with the computer. What operating system are you using? This information can be very important unless it is a boot level problem.
There are many levels it can come to:
(none)- There are no problems '1'
(simple issue)- Cookies or temporary files are set to delete '2'
(browser issue)- The internet browser locks up or does not save files in a game, It may also be the game itself. '3'
(OS issue)- The OS you are using bugs up when trying to save files on all browsers. Use system restore or recovery to fix it. '4'
(Boot issue)- No matter what OS you use, you cannot save files on any browser. '5'
(Severe boot issue)- No matter what OS you use, you cannot save anything even if it isn't on your browser. '6'
(Physical partition issue)- You take the hardrive to a completely different computer, only to have the same issues. '7'
(Total issue)- The entire computer in itself does not boot correctly and deletes the save of your OS. This is a total problem and you may not be able to login to AG at all. '8'
Okay, I'm having the same problem too. It happened to me in Firefox and Chrome. I didn't delete any browser history or anything and I haven't edited any settings. I have found this out:
It may have to do with the new version of Chrome Firefox, IE, and Flash.
Flash Player 10.3 integrates control of local storage with the browserâs privacy settings in Mozilla Firefox 4, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and higher, Google Chrome 11 (Available in Chrome Dev Channel), and a future release of Apple Safari... If you clear your history and you tell the browser to clear cookies as well, Flash LSOs will be cleared. If you clear your history but you don't select cookies, Flash LSOs will remain on the machine.
But the same problem is happening to me, the .sol files aren't being stored in the first place or the loss of data is happening when I restart my computer. I'm not clearing any cookies, and I don't not have the option to clear browsing data when the browser is closed off.
Thank you all for your answers. It seems indeed to be a bigger problem and not dependent on browser. I am using windows 7 but have read already of people who report the problem on other systems. The main thing is that it never used to happen, nothing new was installed, and now it is happening with nearly all games on Armorgames. Coockies are not removed and storage for the Flash player is set to unlimited, yet the problem remains. It is a strange development and I am sure Armorgames is not happy with it.
Maybe this is the time for armorgames to take the next step and offer some sort of premium subscription that allows cloud saving (hint, hint). I for one would happily pay for that.