all about thrre days of grace post ur fav song or wut u think bout some songs or the band.
aww dosnt even let u say ghey it got * out damm
i dont like them
this topic is outta hand
I love Three Days Grace.I love their newest song, Never Too Late. A lot of One-X is good, though...Animal I Have Become, Riot, Never Too Late, etc.I'm actually seeing Three Days Grace this march along with Seether and Breaking Benjamin. I'm pumped.
The name of the band is Three Days Grace, not Three Days of Grace. And i like the song Pain and the song I Hate Everything (About You).
yeh its three days grace and it an owning legend at my house =)
I love 3DG! I've seen them live three times and have both of their albums! One-X is literally AWESOME! Every song on their is good.
razaki i hate u! jk. i was gonna go c that but my ride cancled on me 2 days b4 the concert. i wanted to c them soo badly. i love three days grace and seether. and breaking benjamin isnt that bad.
i realy like them but sometimes when i hear songs like pain,i get the feeling they're...emo
Never Too Late all the way. :]
i like pain, never too late, and animal i have become. i didn't really like their first album, but i like the new one
Well my favorite Three Days Grace song has to be... all of the songs on the album One-X
pain is my favorite and i like almost all their songs
I've changed my mind. My fav is Riot.
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