Simple yet complex? What is the American Dream that everyone is talking about? Having money? Having a big desk job where you're some CEO or some important dude? Being the president? Or is it having a job? being able to support your family? Escaping a warzone or some dangerous area? What is it?
I don't think wiki technically have the right to publish what the American dream is. Isn't it supposed to be similar, but personal?
It's kind of like defining joy. It's different for everyone and is expressed differently.
AD is basically saying everyone is equal and everyone gets a chance to be who they want to be and live how they want to live (as long as it's legal). How each person defines their way of living is up to them.
It's kind of like defining joy. It's different for everyone and is expressed differently.
AD is basically saying everyone is equal and everyone gets a chance to be who they want to be and live how they want to live (as long as it's legal). How each person defines their way of living is up to them.
I get that, but i think people (not you, still referring to wiki i guess) should expand what they believe it is.
I mean the American Dream to me is simply being back there. Equality is a grand idea, but we will never see the day everyone complies with it.
the American Dream as where it originaly was standing for is dead. the asians and south americans are going to sleep now
the american dream was standing for the steep growing economy and prosperity that america was in after the war. it was also used as propaganda toward europe to choose for america and not for russia.
the american dream was standing for the steep growing economy and prosperity that america was in after [WWII]. it was also used as propaganda toward europe to choose for america and not for russia.
The thought of prospering in America has been around since its founding. The land was priced very affordably. Some got rich and their stories of wealth spread across Europe (but not many stories about the poor were told). Many Europeans felt unable to attain a better standard of living where they were, so they moved to America in hopes of a better life. Some got rich, some got poor.
The thought of prospering in America has been around since its founding.
the 1st 200 year after columbus america was seen as a savage land. the land was worth not much because not much people wanted to live there. only poor people came to usa. and when youve got nothing to begin whit it can only go better. in a new country where nothing is it is easyer to start and get richer then a country that alrdy had a big economy
the 1st 200 year after columbus america was seen as a savage land.
That's from 1492-1692. It was seen as savage because the white people weren't there yet. It was seen as barren or non-prosperous. The hope of prosperity was still alive. Spanish silver mines became a big thing around this time, and the discovery of Tobacco was great for some people.
Lifetime supply of chips and gatorade.
Wouldn't be too bad but I'd like to add TV. No point of that stuff without NFL and NBA.
some got poor.
Early America was virtually devoid of poverty. The lack of Urban crowding and the freedom of having your own land meant everyone had a shot at the agrarian dream -- which basically meant everybody, if willing, could get a house and food.