ForumsThe TavernExperimental Breakfast Cereals

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289 posts

Me and my brother were talking about this earlier today. this is basically how it went down:

So you know how at wholesale stores, they have those huge, economy sized containers of whatever? I was thinking about what it would be like if they had one of those, but with cereal. And I don't mean like a bunch of boxes taped together, I'm talking about one huge box filled with cereal. They could even make variety packs, just pour a bunch of different cereals in a box and stir it up. Of course, the mixture of Cheerios and Lucky Charms would most likely result in the creation a black hole, thus annihilating all life as we know it. But then again, this is probably the way that most breakfast cereals are invented. They're just unstable isotopes covered in sugar. Add enough radiation and it probably won't explode prior to being ingested. I bet you anything, Fruit Loops are just an untested version of Cheerios. And another thing. Nuclear Frosted Flakes. It's an explosion of flavor! (and toxic waste!)

If you guys/gals have any thoughts on the matter, I would love to hear them.

  • 37 Replies
9,462 posts

Are we talking about breakfast or nuclear physics?

108 posts

lets do it i will be more than happy to be the guinea pig for taste testing

1,627 posts

If we are throwing out ideas for cereals, than how about Pop Rocks cereal! How cool would that be!

12,319 posts

Are we talking about breakfast or nuclear physics?

I think bschnauzer7 is trying to combine the two. Here's some evidence from the OP:

Of course, the mixture of Cheerios and Lucky Charms would most likely result in the creation a black hole, thus annihilating all life as we know it.

They're just unstable isotopes covered in sugar.

I bet you anything, Fruit Loops are just an untested version of Cheerios.

Nuclear Frosted Flakes. It's an explosion of flavor! (and toxic waste!)

I don't think any nuclear reactions will result from mixing cereals. Therefore, I will only talk about breakfast in this thread unless something gets me to do otherwise. For starters, my favorite cereal is Mini Wheats.
3,371 posts

They should have huge cereal boxes. Could we put giant prizes in too?

6,800 posts

As an experimental grainicist, I feel quite knowledegable to speak on this subject.

All non-sugered cereals are in direct opposition to sugered-cereals. We call this anti-cereal and cereal. Per se, Bran flakes and Frosted Flakes. When the two objects come into contact, they instantly anihilate each other, and form a 'Spoon Hole'. A 'Spoon Hole' is the most dreadful thing that could occur to any breakfaster. It has such a high gravity that all objects are pulled into its depths, and spat out after undergoing a transformation that leaves them as cheap spoons without any matching pairs.

In an effort to avoide such catastrophe, leading grainicist, like myself, have begun to add certain stabilizing isotopes to the cereals. Such objects like marshmellows, raisins, and certain nuts have been shown in some cases to negate these affects. In Grain Mechanics, we call this the 'Milk Theory'. It states that the correct percentage of dairy, grain, and non-grain additives leads to a controllable 'Milklear Chain Reaction', which creates the levels of flavor desired by the consumer in safe quantities.

In recent years, a new craze of 'Whole Grain' has swept the globe. This leaves the cereal in an unrefined and unproccessed state. While its more dangerous to handle, the unstable isotope has been shown to have good affects in the consumer, giving them greater flavor and actual health benefits. However, this requires the adding of more stabilizers like nuts, marshmellows, and raisins.

However, recent accidents have occured which has called into question whether or not cereal should be served at all. In the late '80s, several Grainicist in Russia thought they would experiment by adding actual chocolate to the cereal, rather than the pre-approved synthetic material used throughout the food industry. The result led to a catastropic explosion and an uncontrollable Milklear Reaction that left the area tainted. Now its inhabitants can only eat Bran Muffins for the next 20,000 years. More recently in the news, a natural disaster in Japan caused an even more horrifying accident. An earthquake knocked a large vat of Raisins into a small box of un-stable whole-grain flakes. The Japanese Grainicist have attempted to flood the vats with seawater in an attempt to 'fill' the Spoon Hole by causing it to produce too many spoons. The idea is to eventually force the Hole to creat a spoon that matches, and it will disappear out of existence. Its a vague theory, and has not yet worked out in Japan.

Since the publishing of the SCP (Snap, Crackle, Pop) Paper in the '30s, Experimental Milklear Grainicist like myself have made it our mission to deliver quality grain isotopes in a safe fashion. We must not allow those who would have us eat grapefruit, waffles, or muffins infringe upon our rights to this most devine staple of our diet.

2,911 posts

I fear I'm not in the reading kind of mood, meaning I didn't read the first post. So I'm going to throw out the idea that Reese's Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch taste really good together. But you have fight dinosuars because such an amazing creation took you back through time and you can only go back by eating every little crumb in the bowl.

12,319 posts

As an experimental grainicist, I feel quite knowledegable to speak on this subject.

All non-sugered cereals are in direct opposition to sugered-cereals. We call this anti-cereal and cereal. Per se, Bran flakes and Frosted Flakes. When the two objects come into contact, they instantly anihilate each other, and form a 'Spoon Hole'. A 'Spoon Hole' is the most dreadful thing that could occur to any breakfaster. It has such a high gravity that all objects are pulled into its depths, and spat out after undergoing a transformation that leaves them as cheap spoons without any matching pairs.

In an effort to avoide such catastrophe, leading grainicist, like myself, have begun to add certain stabilizing isotopes to the cereals. Such objects like marshmellows, raisins, and certain nuts have been shown in some cases to negate these affects. In Grain Mechanics, we call this the 'Milk Theory'. It states that the correct percentage of dairy, grain, and non-grain additives leads to a controllable 'Milklear Chain Reaction', which creates the levels of flavor desired by the consumer in safe quantities.

In recent years, a new craze of 'Whole Grain' has swept the globe. This leaves the cereal in an unrefined and unproccessed state. While its more dangerous to handle, the unstable isotope has been shown to have good affects in the consumer, giving them greater flavor and actual health benefits. However, this requires the adding of more stabilizers like nuts, marshmellows, and raisins.

However, recent accidents have occured which has called into question whether or not cereal should be served at all. In the late '80s, several Grainicist in Russia thought they would experiment by adding actual chocolate to the cereal, rather than the pre-approved synthetic material used throughout the food industry. The result led to a catastropic explosion and an uncontrollable Milklear Reaction that left the area tainted. Now its inhabitants can only eat Bran Muffins for the next 20,000 years. More recently in the news, a natural disaster in Japan caused an even more horrifying accident. An earthquake knocked a large vat of Raisins into a small box of un-stable whole-grain flakes. The Japanese Grainicist have attempted to flood the vats with seawater in an attempt to 'fill' the Spoon Hole by causing it to produce too many spoons. The idea is to eventually force the Hole to creat a spoon that matches, and it will disappear out of existence. Its a vague theory, and has not yet worked out in Japan.

Since the publishing of the SCP (Snap, Crackle, Pop) Paper in the '30s, Experimental Milklear Grainicist like myself have made it our mission to deliver quality grain isotopes in a safe fashion. We must not allow those who would have us eat grapefruit, waffles, or muffins infringe upon our rights to this most devine staple of our diet.

That is nuclear. Cereal is not really nuclear. Therefore, I will continue posting in a non-nuclear way.

What is your favorite cereal? Mine is Mini Wheats.
47 posts

Cereal is not really nuclear.

Surely you aren't serious. Cereal is the most nuclear thing ever!
289 posts

Science makes Everything nuclear!

6,800 posts

That is nuclear. Cereal is not really nuclear.

Of course cereal isn't nuclear. Its Milklear. I, like many others around the world, hold degrees in Milklear Physics, Milkear Theory, and Milklear Grainicism. Its a very diverse field.

And surely you msut have heard of those who have contributed most to our field: Albert Spoonstein, Stephen Milking, Neils Bowl, and Ernest Raisinford? And what about those theories: Bowlian Motion, Dairytron Spin Theory, The Graintron Cloud Theory, and Ricetrinos?

And you must have read the SCP Paper; its one of the most celebrated papers in the history of science.
289 posts

I actually don't eat my cereal with milk, so I might have been causing the zombie apocalypse in my house for the last few years. (there are a bunch of ugly, groaning men that I keep locked in my basement)

655 posts

As an experimental grainicist, I feel quite knowledegable to speak on this subject.

All non-sugered cereals are in direct opposition to sugered-cereals. We call this anti-cereal and cereal. Per se, Bran flakes and Frosted Flakes. When the two objects come into contact, they instantly anihilate each other, and form a 'Spoon Hole'. A 'Spoon Hole' is the most dreadful thing that could occur to any breakfaster. It has such a high gravity that all objects are pulled into its depths, and spat out after undergoing a transformation that leaves them as cheap spoons without any matching pairs.

In an effort to avoide such catastrophe, leading grainicist, like myself, have begun to add certain stabilizing isotopes to the cereals. Such objects like marshmellows, raisins, and certain nuts have been shown in some cases to negate these affects. In Grain Mechanics, we call this the 'Milk Theory'. It states that the correct percentage of dairy, grain, and non-grain additives leads to a controllable 'Milklear Chain Reaction', which creates the levels of flavor desired by the consumer in safe quantities.

In recent years, a new craze of 'Whole Grain' has swept the globe. This leaves the cereal in an unrefined and unproccessed state. While its more dangerous to handle, the unstable isotope has been shown to have good affects in the consumer, giving them greater flavor and actual health benefits. However, this requires the adding of more stabilizers like nuts, marshmellows, and raisins.

However, recent accidents have occured which has called into question whether or not cereal should be served at all. In the late '80s, several Grainicist in Russia thought they would experiment by adding actual chocolate to the cereal, rather than the pre-approved synthetic material used throughout the food industry. The result led to a catastropic explosion and an uncontrollable Milklear Reaction that left the area tainted. Now its inhabitants can only eat Bran Muffins for the next 20,000 years. More recently in the news, a natural disaster in Japan caused an even more horrifying accident. An earthquake knocked a large vat of Raisins into a small box of un-stable whole-grain flakes. The Japanese Grainicist have attempted to flood the vats with seawater in an attempt to 'fill' the Spoon Hole by causing it to produce too many spoons. The idea is to eventually force the Hole to creat a spoon that matches, and it will disappear out of existence. Its a vague theory, and has not yet worked out in Japan.

Since the publishing of the SCP (Snap, Crackle, Pop) Paper in the '30s, Experimental Milklear Grainicist like myself have made it our mission to deliver quality grain isotopes in a safe fashion. We must not allow those who would have us eat grapefruit, waffles, or muffins infringe upon our rights to this most devine staple of our diet

Rant on... cereal? (=I
289 posts

It doesn't seem like so much of a rant, more like an... um...
an allocution. yeah.

6,800 posts

I actually don't eat my cereal with milk

You're likely to cause a Milklear Fission Reaction, which results in all the cereal in your house condensing into a single, high-density flake. If you consumed it... Bad things would happen according to Bowl Motion theory. Imagine a bunch of Raisitrons, Ricitrons, and Dairytrons crammed into a single, tiny space. Very, very angry 'Grainitrons' as we call them collectively. They all want to disperse, but are held together by the immense gravity caused by a suble lack of supporting dairy isotopes.


Honey Bunch Clouds, and Milkear Fallout. Fun stuff.
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