i then appeared with my crossbow and joined them by shooting exploding bolts at stuff.
You shot random stuff at first, but then you shot the stegosaurus.
Now from a 3rd person point of view:
spartandestroyer shoots the stegosaurus, which interrupts the laser battle. The stegosaurus swings its tail at spartandestroyer, causing a major injury that can become fatal if not treated soon.
@spartandestroyer: You are at damaged, and your exploding bolt dealt 100 points of damage to the stegosaurus. Also, the stegosaurus is stunned for 2 more posts of mine.
bonus to accuracy with launcher type weapons. bonus to damage with medievil type weapons. damage taken is reduced by 33%. reduced damage taken from ranged weapons. reduced damage taken from modern type weapons. increased damage taken from medievil type weapons. increased damage taken from armor peircing type weapons.
i use a counterstrike called beserkergang. what it does when applied to someone is that it increases the damage they do according to their remaining health. so in the case of say... someone with base 200 health then beserkergang at first would cause them to do LESS damage. after they take a few hits and go down to something like 160 health then they do regular damage. when they get down to 120 health then the effect starts its magic! they do higher damage then normal. down to 80 health and they do nearly double the damage they would do at full health. then for the last 40 health they even gain 2 attacks per turn and a whopping TRIPLE DAMAGE! however when at lower health they take more damage as well. at full health they would only take 80% of normal damage. at 160 health they would take 100% of normal damage. at 120 health they would take 120% more damage. then at 80 health left they take 140% more damage. i think i can leave you to guess the last one.