First off, I don't think you can categorize any religion as a purely detrimental ideology. True, bad things have been done in the name of religion, but you can't completely disregard the good that has been done. And yet arguing over whether religion has helped or harmed us more is just as pointless as arguing over the existence of God.
We can achieve the goods things without religion.
And yet one could say that by forcing religion on others, religious zealots are 'saving' them, and the whole. What I don't see is how forcing or not forcing someone to be educated about creation theories contrary to their belief harms them or others around them
You don't see how it's good to be educated with factual information instead of everyone just treating whatever fantasy they like as real?
You don't see how it's good to be educated with factual information instead of everyone just treating whatever fantasy they like as real?
I don't see how it's necessary to force this information upon people, especially if it conflicts with their beliefs. Sure it's good to learn, but in the same way that studying religions is good. It expands knowledge, but unless one is going into a field where that knowledge is required, I fail to see the necessity.
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
"Being Created" only applies to the four dimensions we inhabit, which were also created. Since God exists outside dimensionality, the question is meaningless.
"Being Created" only applies to the four dimensions we inhabit, which were also created. Since God exists outside dimensionality, the question is meaningless.
Since you have no proof for your babbling, your post is meaningless
Some guy with a paper and pencil and a wild imagination about how to teach people life lessons. He made "God" so they'd have something to fear if they broke the rules.
Some guy with a paper and pencil and a wild imagination about how to teach people life lessons. He made "God" so they'd have something to fear if they broke the rules.
Strange how paper probably wasn't made back then.
And how religious people were the only ones able to read and write. More like the guy who made the religion had disciples, rather than anything else :P
"Being Created" only applies to the four dimensions we inhabit, which were also created. Since God exists outside dimensionality, the question is meaningless.
If he's outside our dimensionality, which can be either the reality we're in or the theoretical 12 dimensions there are, he couldn't have existed. If he's in another dimension? He's no more powerful than you or me.
Leaving aside for the moment that some things are taken on faith, I assume that you have a better explanation WITH INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF?
Try the Big Bang. It's not incontrovertible but it's getting there.
We'd be there by now if it weren't for indoctrination and alienation of outside views on the meaning of life beliefs by the common religion at the time, maybe.
Alas no point on dwelling on the past - just look at the future. What have we got? A theory that isn't backed up, provides the sense of security, a doorway into eternal life after death and of course the love of this unproven deity.
Or a possibly proveable theory that will open up our knowledge of the Universe, how we may have came to be, and what from. So many questions could be answered, and WE'RE the ones who did it.
God has always existed. he will always exist. this is why so many people arent christian. they say its to much faith in a thing like this. Questionoes beliving the earth began with a bang take any less faith?NO!it does not. People comfort themselves around the facts that scientests have facts to back this up.Do they? Yes. Are they strong well-backed up facts?no. Beliving that God has always existed is no diffrent then beliving the world began with a bang.But do you really want to spend 90 years living, to only know that in the end your going to die, and thats the end you can no longer think or is a meaningless pit. Do this one thing for me.Go to a church. Once.
God has always existed. he will always exist. this is why so many people arent christian. they say its to much faith in a thing like this. Questionoes beliving the earth began with a bang take any less faith?NO!it does not. People comfort themselves around the facts that scientests have facts to back this up.Do they? Yes. Are they strong well-backed up facts?no. Beliving that God has always existed is no diffrent then beliving the world began with a bang.But do you really want to spend 90 years living, to only know that in the end your going to die, and thats the end you can no longer think or is a meaningless pit. Do this one thing for me.Go to a church. Once.
God has always existed. he will always exist. this is why so many people arent christian. they say its to much faith in a thing like this. Questionoes beliving the earth began with a bang take any less faith?NO!it does not. People comfort themselves around the facts that scientests have facts to back this up.Do they? Yes. Are they strong well-backed up facts?no. Beliving that God has always existed is no diffrent then beliving the world began with a bang.But do you really want to spend 90 years living, to only know that in the end your going to die, and thats the end you can no longer think or is a meaningless pit. Do this one thing for me.Go to a church. Once.
Sigh, long story short, you don't need faith to believe in facts, and i've been to a church and gone to services and been in sunday school up until I was about 10 years old, and I can quite decisively say that no two people believe the exact same thing even withen their own faith. It's completely up to each person, and has no basis in fact, and is entirely wishful thinking.